
Why Do Romeo And Juliet Commit Suicide

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In the U.S. each year 25 million of americans suffer from depression and a lot of them commit or attempt suicide. Why do many americans just want to end their lives? The reason they do or attempt to do so is because they feel that they are less than everybody else and they feel worthless in the world today.

Each year more teens than adults commit suicide. For every suicide twenty-five more attempt to end their lives. Ninety-five percent of the suicides in american’s are people who are suffering from depression or have a mental disorder. These people that commit or even attempt suicide don’t just hurt themselves they hurt the ones around them who care about them, and that may not be much but at least they have someone that cares about them. If someone you know is going through depression or has been talking about them not being in this world anymore go get them some help. That person may be mad at you but would you rather have them alive and mad at you or not here …show more content…

The reason they commit suicide is because they both deal with depression. In the story you can tell that these two teenagers love each other, but you know that juliet is going through a hard time because romeo killed her cousin out of revenge. Rome got banished for that action and that is where all the depression from both of the lovers come into play. The reason that it comes into play here is because they were suppose to be getting married but now they can’t because Romeo is no longer in the city so Juliet and the Friar come up with the idea to have juliet fake her death and have romeo come back for her. When Juliet is faking her death a messenger was suppose to be sending romeo and letter about the plan but it never reached him. When Romeo shows up to Juliet's family tomb he finds her and he doesn’t know that she isn’t dead, he kills himself then Juliet wakes up to find him dead. Juliet finds his dagger then she kills

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