
Why Do We Dream?

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Why do we dream? What do our dreams mean? Dreams are a sequence of images, ideas, and feelings that involuntarily occur most commonly during the REM stage of sleep. They come in a wide variety of types, from the peculiar to the downright terrifying; the dreamer has no control over what they experience in their dreams. Though neurologists have been studying the human brain for decades, we still don’t fully know why we dream or what their significance is. Some psychologists theorize that dreams are closely linked to our subconscious mind, expressing our deepest fears or desires, allowing us to be what we cannot be. Others believe that dreams serve no function at all and are simply our imaginations running wild. In the words of Sigmund Freud, the founding father of psychoanalysis, “The dream is the liberation of the spirit from the pressure of external nature, a detachment of the soul from the fetters of matter.” (The Interpretation of Dreams)
For Raskolnikov, the protagonist of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment, his dreams symbolize his journey towards salvation after committing a gruesome murder. Dostoevsky uses dreams as a tool to reveal psychological depth to his characters and establish recurring themes throughout the plot. They provide an insight to the subconscious of the characters, helping the reader to better understand their actions. They show not only significance of past or current events, but can also foreshadow future happenings. Raskolnikov has four

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