
Why Do We Spend Lavishly?

Decent Essays

Why do we spend lavishly? Money is the answer to all things, when I was a very young girl, my sunday school teachings taught me that money was the root of all evil. America and their materialistic culture is a natural thing. This is the way they are being taught. Once a new item get advertises, we all rush online, at store to get that new item. We continue to swipe our card everyday even if the money is not ours. Later we are stuck to picking up extra hours just to pay off all of the debt. The American materialistic culture is not the best way to live with. Firstly,The American economy is fed by our materialistic behaviors. Even during the tough financial struggles, many Americans continue to purchase what is bigger and better. The …show more content…

When Americans continue to spend, then they have no money to save. They don 't have the money to do some certain things in life and this impedes their chances of success in life. In conclusion, Materialism in America is a normal way of life, however this is causing us to be behind in the teaching of the foundation of the Unites States, it is als is causing us not to be able to uplifted or elevated in life because there is no more money. Secondly America and their materialistic minds lead to a false picture of wealth. When I was in Nigeria i was often told that being in America means wealth. Coming to the States I later realized that not everyone is wealthy. People often view America has a very influential country. An example I have experienced was a young man named John. My family lived with Mr john when I first got to america, he was a very influential man that everyone knew, he had different cars and phoned-thing i had always dreamed for. I had always prayed that I should one day be like him. I uncovered that Mr John was not spending his money, he was spend the bank 's money. He had to get more jobs to pay off his debt. This story had taught me that whoever possesses more items is not always rich. He was in a shadowed pain and pretended. Just like in Juliet Schor’s essay “social comparison and its dynamic

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