
Why Does Heathcliff's Use Of Revenge

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In the novel, Bronte explores the ways of revenge,but it seemed to conclude that revenge is ultimately unsatisfactory, she shows that the only way to resolve it is with forgiveness. In the way the Bronte uses the character Heathcliff to accomplish this. Heathcliff is the character that is in search for justice. In the way that Heathcliff wanted to get revenge with the people the did him wrong. Heathcliff is often shunned, because of his social class status and because of his lack of knowledge, regarding his parentage. Heathcliff first tried to get revenge with Hindley. Hindley is like a bully to Heathcliff, in the way that he degraded Heathcliff, because of his lower class roots; Heathcliff is in seek of revenge. As he said in chapter 7

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