
Why Doesn T The Human Population Grow So Fast?

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The human population is growing rapidly, and Earth doesn't have enough space for it. In 1967, Earth had a population of 3 billion, and only about 50 years later, that number had doubled into 7 billion. There are many reasons why our population is increasing so fast, in so little time, but I'll only go over two. The first, and foremost the most recognised reason, is the birth to death rate ratio. Every minute there is almost twice as many births then there are deaths; 200 births to 100 deaths. There is an estimated 350,000 born every day with only 150,000 deaths, making there 4 births every second and 2 deaths every second. Overwhelming right? Well the second reason which goes hand in hand with the birth to death rate, is, over the last few hundred years, we have become more intelligent, and more self aware. Our knowledge on medicine has grown like no other, and our life expectancy has grown with it. With many more factors modifying our population rate, these two show it best. We are living longer and having more babies, but soon we’ll need to stop.
There is a chance we are not too late though, I am going to explain a few solutions and their possible effect. First being, we need to enforce …show more content…

A law in which you go through high school with a 3.0 GPA or higher to reverse such surgeries. If you do not pass high school with a 3.0 GPA, then you must take 4 years of classes, to ensure that you will be a beneficial and intelligent human being that is ready to have children. Reversal is also not needed, but if done, free birth control pills will always be available just incase children are not wanted right away. I do believe this would not only help solve the population problem, but also better educate our population on it, and just in general. Just because you can be a parent, doesn't mean you'll be a good

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