
Why Dogs Are Cool Research Paper

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With summers at its relentless best, these animals clearly seem to have figured out many ways to stay cool
June and July are the months when summers affect all of us, humans and our pet friends alike. It is that time of the year when we are sweaty, smelly and in general very much in need of frequent showers.
And, it is not just you who feels the pain; your four legged friends are there with you too. Some of them though seem to have figured out different ways to keep themselves cool and others are simply ready to suffer along with you.
1. I need the blower to myself, it is too damn hot!
2. You better not touch that AC, I swear I am going to go crazy all over you if I wake up.
3. Who wouldn’t like a nice swim in cold water; these 2 definitely …show more content…

Do you have more of these? Please hold them all over me, just like that.
12. I love this bed more than anything else.
13. Please go away, the bathroom floor is mine.
14. How about some cold tiles?
15. Oh, I just want to stand here and chill as much as possible. Got no time to swim.
16. All the spots are taken, just in case you were thinking to join in. Get out!
17. Ok, I guess I don’t have to remind you that this whole puddle of water is mine.
18. Now, that’s the real AC out there. No wonder why he simply fell on it.
19. I love it so much here! This float is mine and you better stay there.
20. Alright, just to let you know, this bottle of juice is mine now. Go away and get another one for yourself.
21. Another one enjoying the real AC out in the open.
22. Freshly watered grass acts as an excellent coolant; would you also like to try it?
23. Looks like he had found the best spot in the house for himself.
24. Yeah, this is totally happening. Would you mind closing the door once done?
25. Look at that lucky pooch. Wonder where this ice cream truck is, meant for dogs.
26. I get it now, there’s nothing that beats ice cream when it comes to solving summer issues.
Many summers have come and gone, but there will be never a replacement for ice

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