
Why Early Intervention Matters By Douglas Jacobs Summary

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In the article “Why Early Intervention Matters”, the author Douglas Jacobs gives a statistical analysis of the amount of mental illness and substance use disorders there are in America and introduces a type of recovery called Screening. He gives an interesting insight on the amount of people that deal with these struggles, and properly explains how they can effect one’s life. He explains the extremity of certain disorders and makes the reader aware of the importance of recovery. Mental health screening has recently been created to help people recognize and treat substance abuse and mental illness’s. It has been proven that screening, when timed properly, can prevent the development of substance use disorders. While it may be a touchy subject to talk about, it is important to acknowledge these disorders, so they can be treated. Screenings are an effective way to begin the first steps towards recovery. This article can relate …show more content…

He points out three different mistakes that can be created in a child’s life when they use too much technology. These three mistakes are not setting limits, not having enough family time, and the parents themselves become too involved with technology. Too much technology can cause an increase of arguments between parents and kids, due to the amount of information kids now have access to. Children can use technology in a way to avoid real world situations and basic communication. In severe cases, Grover explains that technology can become addicting and can take over one’s life. He lists numerous things that kids with addiction to technology can suffer from, and gives a list of rules to follow so addiction does not occur. Technology is something that has taken over many lives, and this article show the how and why the amount of technology kids has access to should be controlled and possibly stopped before addiction

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