
Why I Am A Teacher

Decent Essays

Introduction Growing up, I was the daughter and granddaughter of excellent teachers. I always saw how dedicated my mother and grandmother were to their profession. I saw first-hand the late night grading, the parent-teacher conferences, and all the joys and burdens of being a teacher. So, without a doubt I knew I wanted to experience the same joy of being a teacher and being able to inspire students to learn, just like my mother and grandmother. I learned early on that teaching was not a regular nine to five job or career. It is truly a calling.
Why I Teach... I believe the purpose of education is to prepare and equip our posterity for a better future. As equally important, I believe the purpose of education is to continue one 's learning to avoid becoming stagnant, which allows a person continued growth. In today 's society, school has become a place where children go to be fed knowledge and develop a sense of critical thinking. School is and should always be a place where a child 's natural curiosity and creativity is nurtured and cherished. Lastly, school is a place that is a safe haven for children to learn, grow, and become free thinking individuals in an ever-changing world. As an educator, my role is to teach the whole student. It is my role as an educator to establish personal connections with each and every student and foster their learning. Also, I must be cognizant of strategies, theories, and proven methods in order to connect to my students and

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