
Why I Deserve The PEO Scholarship

Decent Essays

I deserve this scholarship because I’m a strong female role model, dedicated to God, school, family and friends, along with my work. I intern at the Sigourney Elementary School where I work with different grades. I feel privileged to work with the younger kids who look up to me as a role model. My relationship with God is very strong, and I try to share that with those around me. I’m hardworking during school and work. I do my best to keep up with my grades, and always stay on top of my homework. I take my schoolwork very seriously, and want to get in as much learning as I can. At one point I was taking nine classes compared to the normal seven period day. I work two jobs now, and can always be counted on to cover hours for those who are sick or can’t come in. I’m active in different organizations in school and am a team player. I’ve shown leadership skills through my years as a Girl Scout since Kindergarten, along with helping inspire the younger girls. These are just a few of the reasons I believe I would be a worthy candidate for the PEO scholarship.

In the next five years I have many plans for my future, but my main goal is to make sure I remain happy. My plans for the future all lead back to my main goal to stay happy. I plan to …show more content…

My plan is to get a job in Human Resources because I can work virtually anywhere. Choosing a career that is found all over the place will allow me to be able to be more specific about where I want to settle down. I look forward to a career that has a great benefits, working environment, and people. I want to be a part of a good community and be involved in my community as well. Going back to school to get my masters degree in Business will also be another big part of my ten-year plan. After I have finished my schooling, found a steady job, traveled and had diverse experiences, and found a place I want to settle down; I then want to start thinking about having a

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