
Why I Hate Reading?

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Honestly when I started reading the book I was kind of bored with it maybe it’s because I hate reading but I’m trying to break out of that stage so as I continued to read it got very interesting especially in Early Awareness Chapter it started to make me think about all the things I was taught in life and how I never asked question I think I was too young to realize. In this paragraph, it made me think when I was in catholic school I asked what color is God I even asked what color was Moses they told me that neither one has no color but I never understood that because I would always see pictures of him and his Angles and they were white but there were no black ones, I was even told you should be ashamed of yourself for asking that question …show more content…

I began to search for people who looked like Africans. I saw Moses, born in Goshen, which was in Egypt and still in Egypt. Moses gets white. Moses goes down to Ethiopia and Marries Zippora; Zippora gets white. People go into the land of Kush, the present-day Sudan, they get white. People go to Punt which is present-day Somalia and they get white. They were all depicted as White in the illustrations in my Bible that deals with African people”. While reading that I was like yes finally someone else who was wondering the same things I was wondering. So as I grew up I didn’t just except it my mom taught me society perceives both of them to be white men but the Bible says something completely different and I was even told the reason why the angels are white are because white I purity and black is dirty and that’s when I stopped paying attention to what they had to say. So many people made it seem like God discriminated against his own people then realizing that was all a trap. When reading the book my moods changed a lot I was kind of angry, a little sad and somewhat happy the reason I was angry well when the man told “John I’m sorry but you came from

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