By: Skandan Govindan NJHS is a great opportunity for me. I would very happy to be involved in NJHS and share my ideas and also listening to other people’s ideas. Here are some reasons why I should be selected into NJHS. Some of my characteristics are my intelligence and my talent. I have the ability to quickly catch up to things. I have taken honers this year and have been recommended for algebra I honors next year by my teacher.I have mostly A’s and B’s. I also represented the Majestics in the geography bee. In history we had a debate and I got MVP. I do many severces to my community. I give money and support PETA against animal cruelty. I donate to many organizations such as Doctors Without Borders and St.Jude's
Luckily, the NJHS is full of hard working and smart people that I feel like being around would help me improve myself, but more importantly, to improve others. NJHS will give more opportunities to help serve my
I want to be a member of the ASFM National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) because it will make me a better person. It will improve my character, academics, leadership, and service to those in need. I think those characteristics are the key to life. Be good at them and you will succeed. Lack these qualities and you will not be the best you can be. This is why I want to be part of NJHS.
I am a good candidate for NJHS. I have discovered that I excel in my studies, have an interest in leadership and service, and have an urge for challenge and accomplishment. In NJHS, many have said that they have had fun while being pushed to their limits, which, in my opinion, is going to be a helpful factor in my future learning. You can count on me to do my job, take things seriously, and never give up.
NHS would be an honor to join and participate for many reasons. For example, joining the National Honors Society means being something. It gives me the opportunity to help or even change lives of actual human beings and making a difference in this challenging world. I strongly believe that anyone of any age can do something if they put full efforts both physically and mentally into the task. This organization can put these ideas from teenagers to use and help our community in need. Another reason everyone should want to join National Honors Society is the chance to increase one’s leadership skills. No matter how many leadership opportunities are present, there can always be room for more including NHS. Personally, I need to practice being
Finally, my last characteristic (and my most important, personally) I enjoy helping people. Whether to be with homework or a personal situation, I am always willing to listen and help people accordingly. This is why I’m going to major in music education and minor in psychiatry is college; sharing knowledge and advice is something I’ve always succeeded at and been fond
I believe in contributing to the community. I am a member of the National Honor Society and we do volunteer work for the school and through the community. It seems every other week there is an opportunity to volunteer in which I am eager to take part. In addition, as a Third Party Representative for a civics class called Project 18, I spend at least two hours a week emailing and calling potential guest speakers and creating PowerPoint slideshows that I will present. .
Moreover, I often volunteer to do service in my community. I have been doing volunteer work for Walk for Hunger since from 2011. Also I participate many times in school food bank, which school donates food to families who need help. It was a wonderful experience because I was able to help out my community in a positive way. I like to be there for people who are in need because it shows people that I am a caring and loving them.
I am a great citizen in many ways. I am active in my community and I offer my assistance when needed. I am an honest and trustworthy citizen. I follow all of the rule and laws, and take responsibility for my actions. All in all, NJHS will be a great opportunity and if I am accepted I will do my best to serve my community, lead my classmates, strive for the highest possible academic achievement, and model what it truly means to be a Nazareth Blue
In regard to community, I have volunteered for my clubs, DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America), BPA (Business Professionals of America), NTHS (National Technical Honor Society), Cross Country and others. From helping the club itself to representing the club through charitable acts, such as making christmas a little better for military families, or helping at assisted living centers. My parents taught me at a young age how to be a considerate
First, I would appreciate an experience to be part of NJHS. I am interested in being in
I offer my services to the community in a way that many people wouldn’t expect. Due to financial issues I wasn’t able to volunteer the way that I wanted to but that didn’t change anything. In my area and amongst peers I have become someone they can come to in times of needs, whether it’s for a place to sleep, a hot meal, or an outlet for their emotional and mental distress. I have done extensive research on how to handle certain mental illnesses and emotional outburst so I can be prepared to give everyone the care they need. I am also very active in educating other members of my family and community about mental illness, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse in the black community. I found that there are many ways to give back to the community.
My community has done so much for me. Giving back to my community is the least I could do for what all it has done for
My first most prominent trait like previously stated is my kindness. I enjoy being able to help others and make others’ lives easier along with having the chance to brighten their day. An example of this is my neighbors. I live next to an elderly couple and it being winter in Canada they sometimes may find it hard to make it outside with the snow being a foot deep and all. So I make sure that when
While in high school, I have been able to give back to my community through my
I contributed to this community in many ways. When I first started to volunteer here I was suppose to volunteer with a lady named Charline. Unfortunately, when I went in the second day I was informed that she had quit. After that I was left with no volunteer work until Stephanie the volunteer coordinator found work for me to do in the Health Services and Social services departments. I them started to volunteer with Leslie the health service department coordinator. I was able to perform assessments with the residents in the assisted living section. I performed pain assessments and SLUMS tests. A SLUMS test is a test that is done to check for dementia or cognitive impairments. While doing those assistments I learned how to apply what I learned in some of my health services classes. I also was able to talk to the