
Why I Want To Attend College

Decent Essays

Upon one`s leave from high school comes the next stage in their life, if they choose to accept

it: College. In 2016, college has moved up in the world and is viewed as mandatory rather than

optional. In the United States (U.S) to receive this level of education comes along with great

prices. There are those who attend immediately after graduating, those who decide to take a year

or two off before beginning and those who don`t go at all. But what can really determine how

one decided if they want to attend college or not? There are several factors that can influence a

graduate`s decision. Some include the tuition cost, one`s grades, their interests , and being too


For any college in the U.S the cost can be seen …show more content…

Even though people may offers money to those who truthfully need

it, nobody wants to be responsible for paying it all off later in life. This can easily lead people to

want to find other productive activities instead of enrolling in a college or university.

Aside from the cost there are requirements. In terms of wanting to attend a college or

university, one may have the necessary grades and recommendations. When a student has a

certain level of confidence and knows that they meet the standards of the schools of their choice

that may encourage them to want to go. Sometimes just knowing that you can get accepted into

almost any school just because of your academics and other qualifications can build up a

person`s self esteem. But for those who have more of the “below average” grades and

requirements can lead to wanting to do other things after high school. There are community

colleges who will accept practically anybody but not everybody may want to enroll because they

feel that its too basic. The expectations of schools can leave students feeling either smart and …show more content…

It is okay to be undecided but if you have no major it can make t a little harder to

figure out what you want to do for a living. Majors and minors give students a better insight on

what that career choice is like. Take my father as example. After having a brief discussion with

him I learned that he had gone through the phase of switching his major. First starting out he

thought that he wanted to major in business and ministration. After exploring what other courses

the University of Albany and by talking to different people, he had come to the conclusion that

he wanted to be an English major. My dad realized that English is required in any job he may

take up. He needs to know how to present speeches, have a consistent reading stamina, keep

track of business information and of course know how to speak to different types of people. This

was something that grabbed his attention. So yes, interests are everything. In college,

experimenting with your different interests can eventually lead you to see which one is most

suitable for you. Majors and minors help students do this at any cost without having to sit

through interviews or go through silly

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