
Why I Want To Work On My Bachelor's Degree

Decent Essays

My plan right now is to work on my bachelor’s degree. That is the first priority in my life. Currently I am an E-5 in the Navy. I have a year left at my current command. I have a goal to finish my bachelors in the next two and a half years. I have a year left on my current contract now. In the service, we call the number of years we have enlisted for contracts. I signed up for 3 years and February of 2017 my contract will be up. I plan on reenlisting for another 3 years to finish up my degree and save more money. My job I am doing right now involves Intel. I have been doing this for the past 6 years that I have been in the Navy. I am currently trying to rerate. Rating in the service is what we call our jobs. Each branch of the service has a different name for it but the navy call what our jobs are …show more content…

I am trying to rerate to become a paralegal. Law and legal work seems more interesting to me while I am in the service and is a better fit for me then being in the intel community. I know that I would enjoy it more being involved with people and learning about the laws of the military. If I cannot get another job while I am in the service I still plan on re-enlisting for another 2 to 3 years anyway. I want to get my bachelor degree in Management Information Systems. I love the combination of Business and Information Systems and I feel that will be more competitive in the civilian world if I have a mixture of both fields. My plan is not to stay in the service for 20 years. I really find business to be fascinating. Business is a field that is constantly changing, things are being created, its fast paced, and in constant motion. The service can be stifling. My intentions were to only due a 4-year tour however, I did not want to get out of the service without my degree. It wasn’t until recently I figured out what I wanted to do for college. I reenlisted for another 3

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