
Why Is Abortion Not Murder

Decent Essays

Abortion is a topic that is discussed extensively about whether it should be legally permitted or not. Overall abortion shouldn’t be permissible for a number of reasons, including the fact that it is considered murder. Abortions are known to be so common that it is stated that three out of ten women in the U.S. have an abortion by the time they are forty-five years old. Abortion can be one of those subjects where each individual has their very own inequitable point of view. While each woman should be able to have control to make decisions about her own body, in conclusion the pros and cons of this simple yet complex question the final decision relies within each individual. Abortion is not only murder; it also allows man to act against the …show more content…

Although everyone has his or her own personal opinions, the argument that abortion is right is erroneous. Some women may want to abort their child because of the circumstances in which surrounds the pregnancy. For example, a woman may have been raped and feels like she was forced into something she just is not quite ready for. Other situations of this sort may also occur. Some women receive the news that their child will be born with a birth defect and think that it may be for the better. Then again, it may be deeper than that. Some women are just not financially stable. These women may already live in low-income housing and working jobs that only pay them minimum wage. That could also be an argument stating that the government provides assistance. That may be true, but it really isn’t much. Other than that, some women simply have way too much pride and don’t want to have to have help from the government or anyone else. Fetuses are nine weeks and older until birth. By then the baby has a beating heart, which declares the baby to be living. The quarrel that “it is the mother’s body and the mother’s rights to do what she wants” is preposterous. The probable mother knew the effects of having unprotected sexual intercourse, and now she wants to punish the baby and deprive him or her or his or her natural born …show more content…

Basically abortion is manslaughter, allows man to act against the will of God, and decreases the number of adoptable babies. The pro-choice disputants will argue that the baby is basically not even a human being yet, and that it’s the mother’s body and she should be able to do whatever she wants to do with it. Basically saying “her body, her choice.” Your body belongs to God and it should be treated with respect. Women should keep in mind that all things happen for a reason and that child may have been exactly what you need. Would they have wanted their mother to abort them? Do not they think they had a purpose in life? What about the fathers and the grandparents? Abortion is selfish no matter the reason because that child cannot control the situation he or she would have been brought into. Abortions indeed should be something that has to have required counseling sessions before the decisions are made because most times these women are not really thinking as far as long term purposes. Some of these women just need to be reminded of the wonderful lives these children just may have. If depression is what is the deciding factor of the abortion, some of these women should be reminded of the sports, the grades, and everything else that may bring forward happiness for the mother. Even, if you have the baby and decide to give it up for abortion, that is also fine but that may be argued because sometimes the babies may be placed in horrible

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