
Why Is Animal Abuse Wrong

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How would you feel if you were abused, underfed, and unloved? I believe that animal abuse is wrong. 1,828 animals die each year because of animal cruelty. I believe that it is terrible to torture something that cannot speak or defend itself. I will talk about the most extreme case,why its a bad thing to do,and what happens in animal testing.
One of the most extreme cases of animal cruelty has been seen in circuses. Whips, chains, and other hot or sharp objects are used to poke or whip the animal into working. Elephants are kept chained 23 out of 24 hours a day from the time they are babies to the time they die. I believe this is wrong because I know how I would feel if I were kept chained up all the time.
Neglect and abandonment are the most

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