Another factor that proves Bisclavaret should be allowed to go free is the lack of evidence surrounding him harming others over the duration of his life in the state of a were-wolf. For instance, when attacked by the King and his men, Bisclavaret did no harm to any of them. Instead, “he ran to him for pity and for grace.” Furthermore, one of the King’s counsellors says of Bisclavaret, “He goes in and out amongst us, nor has molested any man, neither done wrong or felony to any.” While in his were-wolf state, Bisclavaret did pose as a threat to others, aside from his former wife and her current husband, especially without reason. As for the time spent in his human state, Bisclavaret did no harm at all. According to the text, his overall behavior
In Bisclavret, we see a prominent moment of fear. Bisclavret’s wife becomes afraid of him even because of his disappearance for three days at a time with no explanation on where he went and what became of him. Although, he was never violent towards her, his anger and unknown whereabouts made her fearful. Moreover, she feared that his disappearance meant she was losing him to another women. This distress is made known when the lady confronts her husband and asks him with hesitation about his whereabouts. Her husband gives an honest response and assures her that she has nothing to worry about. However, the wife has a lack of understanding and decides that she cannot “lie with him” anymore.
Imagine waking up one day and transforming into a werewolf, experiencing a change like no other, where you couldn't tell other individuals for fear of death. Bisclavaret was forced to deal with this emotional and physical change by himself. To keep himself and his wife safe, he was forced to leave their house three days out of every week. Some disagree saying that his wife is the one who was betrayed by her own husband because he withheld this important information from her. However, once questioned by his wife about his disappearances, he connected with his emotions by using his ethics and trusting her enough to tell her his secret.
In the trial of The Wife vs. Bisclavaret, Bisclaravet is an innocent man while his wife is the true monster and betrayer. At first glance, The Wife may seem like an innocent woman deserted by her werewolf husband. But after analyzing both sides of the story, Bisclaravet can be proven innocent using logos, pathos, and ethos.
The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act are congressional acts that were signed by President Teddy Roosevelt on June 30, 1906 in an effort to prevent the adulteration and misbranding of products distributed. During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, America was in the process of transforming from an agrarian society to an industrial economy which became known as the Progressive Era. During this period, meatpacking industries and food corporations were run by corrupt business owners who overworked employees in unsanitary conditions, and had no regulation of how the food was processed. As a result of the high demand for food in the United States, food industries were under the impression of mass producing goods to create
Restricting Narcan from someone who is overdosing on drugs is comparable to disregarding someone’s cry for help in the midst of an assault. Our Governor does not see it the same way however. In the last year he has vetoed multiple bills in the Legislature that would increase the availability of Narcan (a nasal spray variation of the drug Nalaxone) to people who are at risk of over-dosing on drugs. In the state of Maine, the increase of opioid-related deaths should provide enough motive to not only pass bills related to overdose prevention, but encourage people to utilize the antagonist drug and educate younger generations about it.
During life there are people in this world that are looking at one face instead of the other. In Moliere’s play "Tartuffe" shows that people will look at one face and ignore the other face of that person. Tartuffe was a character of these things, Tartuffe was a two -faced person and Oregon was the character that was blinded by the first face that Tartuffe showed orgon. Tartuffe was taken by Orgon and was taken care by organ as well. Moliere’s plays Tartuffe showed a few aspects of hypocrisy, deception and obsession. As the plat was constantly banned, because the play appeal to be an attack on catholic religion.
We (Individuals) do not want an individual in jury duty under the use of illegal dugs. But, what if the individual is actually under prescription drugs?
Does selling drugs once warrant a broad, minimum sentence of five years that would be similarly assigned to one who regularly sells drugs? A typical court-ordered sentence for selling drugs is much less than a five-year sentence, but with mandatory minimum sentences, judges are required to sentence those found guilty to a minimum of five years behind bars. The primary problem with mandatory minimum sentences is that they inherently sentence an individual solely based on the type of crime as opposed to the extent, severity, or circumstances. These laws are sometimes extreme and considered to be unconstitutional by many. As an issue of immense gravity, these laws are highly controversial and evoke a wide range of emotions. The discretion of
The loss of his love is more important to Bisclavret then anything else. The entire description of who he is, is almost a foreshadowing of what he will be like when he does turn into a werewolf. He is no different in beast form as he was in human form. It is his wife who betrays not him. The loyalty of Bisclavret is also shown when he explains how he has not taken on a lover but something almost far worse. The way the narrator described the reaction of Bisclavret sums up how loyal he is. “in God’s name have mercy on me! If I tell you this, great harm will come to me for as a result I shall lose your love and destroy myself.” (69). Spoke directly back to his wife, he was asking for mercy from his wife and not mercy from God alone. He knew he was doing wrong and he wanted nothing more but the approval of his wife. It is as if he wants more of an approval from his wife and not God, he needs mercy from both. The narrator explains how Bisclavret did not even want to explain, he was very nervous and did not want to share his story. The word “coaxing” stands out in this part of the story because the knight was such a noble man but now when it is time to reveal his secret he turned shy and cowardly. He did not want to run the risk of being judged falsely. Although Bisclavret was ashamed of being this beast, he still remained loyal to his wife he even trusted her with these
To change your whole perspective of the American equity framework; to see the most squeezing social liberties issue of our time. The most scorned gathering in America is not gays, Transgender, nor even unlawful foreigners - it is "offenders." Michelle Alexander, a previous agent to Harry Blackmun, previous social equality lawyer, and present law teacher assembles everything in indicating how the War on Medications has attempted to subjugate, disappoint, and devastate gigantic swathes of poor dark and chestnut individuals who are no a larger number of lawbreakers than the normal American. Ex-cons and illicit outsiders are the gatherings toward which separation is overlooked, as well as socially affirmed. There are more dark guys under criminal
Should drug laws remain restrictive? Well as we learned in the chapter three power point "Globally, 4% to 6% of the world’s population between the ages of 15 and 64 (over 200 million people) reported using at least one illicit drug in the previous year (2010)." These statistics are striking nearly 200 million people across the world have used an illicit drug in the past year. It is logical to assume that number is likely even higher because some people do not want to admit to drug use. so if restrictive drug laws aren’t preventing drug use what is the point of keeping drug laws so restrictive?
Nurofen has been banned for claiming their expensive painkiller targets specific problems lick back and joint pain. The landmark ruling has huge implications for the way big brand painkillers are advertised in the UK. That means that claims that they are targeting problems like tension headaches, period pain, muscle pain, migraines as well as sinus pain could also be outlawed.
Buona Domenica is a game show that was broadcasted for the first time in 1985, but is no longer aired. In this show, we can clearly see how perfectly well-chosen the women are; they’re all tall, skinny and have the perfect symmetrical faces, they’re all models. We believe that this is not the way it should be, because there aren’t a lot of people in this world that have no flaws at all. In fact, we believe there isn’t a single flawless person. We should accept and show one another's flaws and learn that people, especially (young) women deserve respect no matter how you look. Another remarkable point is that none of the women in the show passed the age of 35, which makes the shows extremely attractive to the (young) male public. The, not incidentally chosen, female presenter Sara Varone
In my opinion, I don't believe that it is fair to market life style drugs as opposed to life saving drugs. Even though it's not fair or right the pharmaceutical companies to push these life style drugs they make the companies more revenue compared to drugs that could be potentially life saving. The article that states, between 1975 and 1997 only 1 percent of new medicines brought to the market were designed specifically to treat tropical diseases. It's obvious that these pharmaceutical companies would rather develop drugs that would increase their bottom line. In the article it's a quote from a industry watcher that states as companies get bigger they start focusing their research on the most profitable conditions and diseases.
Validation is the most destructive, expensive drug I have ever heard of in my life. People become so addicted to validation, that they would only choose paths in life where they know they're going to get validation. If you only choose opportunities where you're going to get validated by the way of a "yes" you'll never grow you'll never move