When you think of the word emergency the first thing you think of is danger, emergencies can come in all forms rather that be a hurricane, tornado, tsunami or something even worse. In these emergencies you need provisions and the first one that you need is bottled water, bottled water is the absolute best thing to have with you in the case of a dangerous situation. Bottled water has a longer shelf life than tap water which makes for better storage in preparation for something like a hurricane. Bottled water is also easier to access than tap water when filtration systems fail in big cities and small cities alike. These two reasons are only a few of the many as to why bottled water is better to use rather than tap water. Bottles of water sit on store shelves, counter tops, even on the floors of a house, water bottles are everywhere. They wouldn’t simply set their if they were going bad now would they? No they wouldn’t, bottled water doesn’t have an expiration date. On fine packaging water bottles do have a date on them that most mistake for a expiration date but is actually a quality date. According to Benjamin Radford’s …show more content…
You call someone to come and fix it right. You don’t want to drink dirty water, but if a cities filtration system were to fail they would try to get the word out as fast as possible. Yet no matter how hard they try to get the word out people still drink the dirty water and when they find out about they don’t want to drink it. The human body can only go so many days without water, so while the tap water is out what will you do? Drink bottled. Bottled water is easy to find at a local store like Walmart, Winn Dixie or even a gas station, which thus is making it far more accessible in times of need. Bottled water also is way cheaper than trying to hire a repairman to fix a tap, the average case of water cost a bare minimum of $4.93 which is really good when you think about
Do you ever think bottled water is safer than tap water? You would be wrong. According to "Bottled Water: The Wrong Choice paragraph 4", it states that the city tap water companies must follow safe strict rules to make sure nothing in the water harms us. The bottles water
Tap water is extremely cheaper than bottled water is. According to Livingston, tap water costs only $2.00 every thousand gallons, whereas the cost per gallon of bottled water is $1.21. "That means, priced by gallon, bottled water is more than 600 times more expensive than tap water" (Livingston). Buying a bottled water may be cheaper at the time, however, that $1.00 or so adds up. When people buy bottled water, it is often the same as tap, just that’s been filtered or purified (Livington). So, why spend money on bottled water when it's rather identical to tap, with no
The truth is that 25% of bottled water actually comes from public sources and is only sometimes decontaminated. According to an article titled Bottled Water vs. Tap Water, “For the consumer, bottled water is significantly more expensive than tap water.” This highlights the inconvenience of bottled water. First, you have to drive in your car and pollute the air with carbon monoxide from your car to get to the store. Furthermore, you have to buy a heavy package of water bottles that you would otherwise get for free from your kitchen sink.
Tap water is better than bottled water and its more safer because, bacteria can get in the bottle and get people sick. Here are some reasons why, the first reason is that the battle can go in the oceans and make the water sick so the fish can die. The second reason is all the battles go in the salt lake rivers. Lastly tap water is better and more safer to the environment.
Tap water does not have to taste like chlorine or sulfur, in fact, it tastes just as good if not better than bottled water. Fresh, clean water is not a rare commodity to come by these days. In fact, living in the U.S. we have the great privilege of having safe, great tasting water straight from the tap at given whim. No matter the composite make-up of the ground we pull it from, there are endless amounts of filters and purifiers at our disposal to even make water with high sulfur and iron concentrations taste good. Today it is now more ideal for people to grab their re/usable water bottle, fill it up with ice and water from the fridge, and head out for the day. Now you can find any water fountain, or even go into a restaurant with a drink station, and fill up with water; as most restaurants will not mind if you just fill up on some water.
Tap water and bottled water have been at debate for a long time now. Many people think one is better the the other. Tap water is better than bottled water. This is because most bottled water even though they say they are helping the environment they are doing more harm to the ecosystem. Also, even if they are bad things in some tap water there are hundreds of tap filters to make it better. About 40 percent of bottled waters is just repackaged tap water. For these reasons we have to get rid of bottled water and drink more tap water.
Bottled water contains many toxic chemicals; such as Coliform, Arsenic, and Chloride. These chemicals can be harmful to bottled water people in the long run if a great amount is consumed. Studies completed on types of bottled water, and certain bottles of water have chemicals that go over the regulated amount given by the FDA and EPA.(McDiarmid) "These contaminants included industrial solvents, fertilizer residue, chlorination by-products, pharmaceuticals, and heavy metals. One of the samples tested significantly increased the production of breast cancer cells in a lab experiment." (McDiarmid)Many people do not know the affects that these chemicals have on their body, and some people do and choose to continue to put them in their bodies. Believe it or not tap water is also a better decision to help improve the
People are paying an outrageously larger amount of money for bottled water, than they are for tap. “ That $11.8 billion was spent on nearly 9.7 billion gallons of water, putting the average cost at $1.22/gallon. 64% of this amount, however, was spent on single- the 16.9oz/500 mL container mentioned above which can push costs up to $7.50/gallon. American Water Works Association showed that tap water costs only $0.004 a gallon, less than 1/300 the cost of bottled water”(Business Insider). Rather than utilize the tap water most people have in their homes, they would rather buy bottled water when they are on the go or to use instead of drinking tap. Tap water is an inexpensive alternative to bottled water, with many
First, bottled water is more convenient than tap water. Imagine a family going on a walk on a hot day and to keep hydrated they would need water at their convenience. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, bottled water is considered a “critical lifesaver.” After natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina most public water systems are destroyed. With convenience of water bottles people were able to get fresh drinking water.
If there is bad water in the tap system that tastes awful or is contaminated or tainted, then you would probably turn to bottled water. “Banning or restricting access to bottled water in the marketplace directly impacts the right of people to choose the healthiest beverage on the shelf. And for many, bottled water is a critical alternative to other packaged beverages, which are often less healthy. Bottled water must therefore be available wherever packaged beverages are sold.” Our community would suffer and there would be great conflict if everyone getting the water supply they need. If we ban bottled water then that could significantly impact our economy and our citizens health as a
Many people believe that bottled water is much safer than tap water. This is a false statement according to websites like CNN, National, Geographic and Money Crashers.
Bottled water is often more available. For example, when going on vacation and having to drive over ten hours, tap water is not available in the car. A few families bring a cooler with bottled water in them so that they can have water available to everyone when they want a drink. To get their bottled water, they
Bottled is more convenient to carry than tap water. For instance, in a state of emergency bottled water will be the only water available. During hurricane Irma many people was left without any power or clean water and had to use bottled water to take baths. However, bottled water isn’t only convenient for devastating emergency’s, but is a great source to choose from when people are always on the run.
Water can not be banned, so filling stations and reusable water bottles will have to replace them. One reason people think tap water is better than bottled water is because they think bottled water is expensive. A reusable water bottle is more hassle, more expensive, and they get moldy and don’t last. So then, what is the point of calling inexpensive
If a person conducting a social experiment were to pass out two label-less water bottles, one filled with tap water and one filled with bottled water, the number of people that cannot tell which bottle contains tap water might be surprising. The difference between tap and bottled water can vary depending on brand, location, and other factors, but there will always be those that stand out. Tap water has many advantages over bottled water in frequent use. While bottled water might have its own convenience, tap water costs less, is tested more frequently and publicly, and there is safety in tap water despite the stigma stating otherwise.