
Why Is Chris Mccandless Attracted To The Wild

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Why is the wilderness such an attraction to people like Chris McCandless? Usually people like living in houses and being inside. Some people would think that living by yourself in the wilderness is crazy, but some people have a wanderlust for the wilderness. People who love the wilderness would say it’s a way to get away from society and be free. Chris McCandless is a person who is attracted to the wilderness. The wilderness is a place where you are free of the bad people in society, you can live by your own rules, and you are completely free.

The wilderness attracts people because you are free. Chris McCandless leaves his home and family so can explores the wild. He does this because he wants to get away from all the bad things in society and conflicts in his family. In the movie,Bridge to Terabithia, Jesse and Leslie go into the woods to imagine magical creatures. They do this so they can be away from society and be king and queen of terabithia. …show more content…

While he’s there he thinks being in the forest is good because he’s away from all the conflict between his mom and dad. The attraction of the wilderness is expressed in songs and movies too. Freewill by Rush is about being free. In the song they repeat the phase “I will choose a path that’s clear, I will choose freewill.” Jon Krakauer wrote a book about his experience climbing Mt. Everest called, Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster. He is away from society and climbs Mt. Everest with a group of people. These examples show that people are attracted to the wilderness because they are free from society. The reason people want to be free from society is because they have conflicts in their

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