but fidget spinners should not be allowed in schools because there’s injuries from fidget spinners and they’re very distracting especially to others too by focusing on spinning than working at hand. There’s nothing fun about playing fidget spinners it just spins literally. Did you know that fidget spinners can be hypnotizing by the way it spins and it kind of shape like a triangle. Plus does fidget spinners in school really helps people stay up?.
Fidget spinners should be banned in schools by so many injuries from it . As a result of pg.27 “ a boy from Australia got a nasty eye injury from his fidget spinner”.Also it’s difficult to focus on what’s going on around you while looking at a objects that spins. According to pg.27 “Many teachers have told that students tend to focus on all spinning going on instead of working at hand”. Plus they’re similar to bringing toys but just more dangerous to spin with especially in a building full of people.
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Besides it has been serious things happening to people because of small toy that spins. Also students are trading their fidget spinners and can cause a lot of conflict. From the article “ The staff recently ban fidget spinners, and Ellison sent out a letter to parents explaining the tools are a distraction or worse because they’ve caused conflict among students”.Consequently fidgets are manipulators.
Schools ban fidget toys as classroom distraction - Chicago Tribune
Do fidget spinners cause a distraction during class? First of all, any fidget spinners with flashing lights should be banned from any classroom. As well as noisy, squeaky ones. Another problem is that students like to take the bearings out and clean them or mess with them. This can be seen as a potential choking hazard. Teachers say that spinners are the opposite of helping students focus. They are distracting, kids are more busy watching them spin than paying attention to what is being taught in class. In fact, students should not be able to have fidget spinners at school because they are not proven to help students concentrate, they are distracting, and dangerous.
Fidgets spinners are a major distraction according to http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/local/breaking/ct-fidget-toys-school-ban-met-20170429-story.html spinners have become a major distraction to teaches and students and it makes it harder for the teachers to teach and for
First, I believe Fidget Spinners should be allowed at school because they help people concentrate. I believe this because, it gives you something to focus on. It helps people who can't sit still have
Have you ever lost focus to a bright, loud piece of plastic?Don't worry you're not the only one.Many people enjoy fidget spinners but then there are other people who think they are a waste of money.I am a person who thinks they are a waste of money and a nuisance.I think that fidget spinners should be banned because they cause a distraction and can cause injuries.
I think that fidget spinners should allowed in school because some students can stay focus and some can’t. According to the article it said “ fidget spinners bring kids together.” most people don’t really need fidgets to stay focused because either way they're going to talk.
Fidget spinners have taken over classrooms all over the country, and teachers have come to see these toys as a bad distraction in class. Kids pay more attention to the spinner rather than the subject in that class. The fad of fidget spinners has become very controversial, with many different points of view. Children should not have these fidget spinners, especially in class, because they are distracting, they can possibly become dangerous, and they have gone from a tool to help people with ADHD to a toy that most kids have.
Throughout school there is always a new trend and schools try to stop it from coming into the school, they might accomplish it but only for a limited amount of time until they can’t enforce it anymore due to too many students doing it.
Phones should be able out at Glenpool Middle School. Because you never know if there's an emergency at home and your little brother only knows you´re phone number and you don't pick up because you're not allowed to have your phone out. And that's the thing kids should atleast be able to have it in their pocket with the vibrator on. And teacher blab and blab about it's a distraction but it's not. Cell phones are perfectly fine and good to use when needed at school.
Not everyone owns or wants to own an I pod. I pods aren't allowed in class currently and i believe it should be kept that way. The kids who don't own one will be at a large disadvantage due to bullying. Do we really want more kids to be bullied?
First of all, schools should have vending machines. If a child did not bring a snack he or she can buy one. Kids might not get as hungry in class. With the money used to buy the snacks the school could raise funds. For these reasons schools should have vending machines.
In Disney’s movie, The Lion King, the manipulative and envious lion, Scar, represents the villain archetype because of several scenes throughout the movie where he is representing the archetype. Near the beginning of the film, Scar attempts to trick the innocent and naive hero, Simba, to go beyond the kingdom of Pride rock, and into the dangerous Elephant graveyard. The Elephants Graveyard is designed to look dangerous with giant elephant bones, and hungry hyenas lurking in the shadows of the bones of animals who had made the mistake by trespassing. Scar’s dark mane, yellow jealous eyes, and his clever manipulative antics are designed to make the viewers fear Scar and comprehend how he is the villain of the film.
Fidgets are a great way to keep children calm and collected, but in order for them to work, there needs to be expectations. For me as an adult, I can get a little antsy if I sit for a long period of time to what do I do? I just grab my phone out and mess around on it. In a school setting that cannot happen. Some different alternatives could be a stress ball, fidget cube, bag of marbles, or tangles, etc. Some expectations for the fidgets can be: keep it somewhere where it won’t be a distraction, use it nicely and properly, and if it gets in the way of work, then it gets taken away. If expectations get set, fidgets can be a great way to keep your student focused and not get over stimulated while getting their work done.
What constitutes a male today is very different than what would account for a male fifty years ago. World War II recruiting advertisements sympathize notions of service and bravery, which are embodied in Pollack’s “Give ‘em Hell” (Gosse, 2015) persona. This persona exeplifies machoisms, violence and risk taking. Recently, Buzzfeed Videos asked men and boys aged 5 to 50 to respond to what the phrase “be a man” means to them. Many commented on identity markers involving perceived notions including strength, determination, honesty and responsibility. Many also commented on the sexist and derogatory implications this phrase implies, others question the notions and implications of the term. At 2:17, age 35 muses about the implied assumptions of definition of male in the statement, “There is no real definition
The final result of using digital devices during school hours is not a good one. Students can cheat more easily, which means that they are not preparing for the future and society.
Find at least three places of periptery, where the emotion of fear is replaced by the emotion of pity.