
Why Is Gi Joe A Good Role Model

Decent Essays

G. I. Joe, A Great Role Model

More than a couple of years ago a new action figure was launched, named G. I. Joe. The toy was an instant success, children loved the new toy. Soon, children began to idolize and follow the actions of this toy. Children always look for someone or something to serve as a role model. There has a been a debate of whether or not G. I. Joe should be considered as one.

In movies (like G.I. Joe: Rise of cobra) Joe can be seen in many movie scenes doing stunts and doing good. He is the superhero in this movie. Kids try to model him because he is seen defeating the bad guys. Well G.I. Joe is really violent when he is defeating the bad guys. G.I. Joe (in his movies) tries to do anything to save people and prevent harm. In one part of the movie G.I. Joe is almost killed when he tries to save people. So he had to be a little violent to save the peoples lives. Joe could not just stand there and let himself get shot by the enemy. He had to do something and the only option was to beat them up with his hands or with his sword. …show more content…

Joe. They try to get his muscle tone and his skills no matter what they have to do. There is a part in the beginning or sometimes at the end clearly stating to the kids saying “Kids do not try to do this at home. This movie was completed with professional stunt crews and careful planning.”. Steven said “kids tend to try what are in movies but movies make sure they get the message of ‘kids do not try this at home’ along with other things of copyrights” (Steven James). Joe is a good role model and he encourages kids to do right but he does not encourage the

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