
Why Is Google Analytics Important

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Google Analytics is a powerful tool to track website traffic. As a website owner, you should implement it as soon as possible. If you’re struggling with that, then this tutorial will show you how to add Google Analytics to WordPress step by step.

But why is Google Analytics so important?

Because Google Analytics helps you to find out what your traffic is doing on your website. You can track the source where your readers are coming from, for example through social media or if search engines sent it.

Besides the source, you get valuable information about the age group, their interests, locations and what search terms they use to find your website. You also can track keywords and how they rank in search terms.

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Fill out the blanks.

Account Name: Account names help you to organize your website. If your website is strictly business, you can name your account “Business”. You can also use the name of your website. Be as descriptive as you see fit for your website.

Website Name: I recommend that you use the name of your website. It helps to identify your website within Google Analytics and organize things. You can use your domain name without the domain ending.

Website URL: The website URL is basically your domain name. Make sure you write it correctly. Otherwise, Google Analytics won’t work properly and can’t track your traffic. Copy and paste your domain name without http://.

Industry Category: Choose a category that fits your niche best. If you can’t find anything, choose “Other”.

Reporting Time Zone: Choose your country and your time zone. This determines the reporting times. Google Analytics reports with a delay of 24 to 48 hours.

By default, all data sharing settings are checked. You can leave them as is or uncheck them. This is up to you. If you’re comfortable with sending data to Google, leave them checked. If you prefer more privacy, uncheck

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