
Why Is Greece Important To The World

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Greece, one of the most beneficial countries of the world, has come up with many inventions that are still used today. Tragically, many of these concepts were lost when the Romans burned the Library of Alexandria, but there were copies of some of the information. Still, much of this valuable information was lost pushing back humanity. Not only have the Greeks fathom great ideas, they have also influenced other cultures. An of this is the America government buildings. The Greeks also influenced other religions such as Russian Orthodox. Although Greece might have been beneficial to the world with their ideas, they are not so much with their money. Ever since Greece has joined the European Union they have been asked to be evicted since they were …show more content…

Ever since they did so they never received any payment back. Greece may have been beneficial to the world in the past years, but not so much in the present. Greece, a very interesting country, has very intriguing beliefs and food, a huge amount of unemployed, and a spectacular background.

Geography, the flag, inventions, interesting facts, and places to visit are all part of this countries Overview. Greece's geography influenced its economy greatly. Since Greece is a peninsula and mountainous it limits the amount of arable land. Greece is very warm and dry in the summer and cold and dry in the winter. This did not only influence Greece's economy but it also influenced the way their flag looks. The flag is blue, white, has nine strips, and has a cross. The blue stands for the sky and the water when the white stands for the crashing of the waves and white clouds. The nine stripes stand for the nine syllables of the Greek independence cry Ελευθερία ή Θάνατος(elefthería í thánatos). This means Freedom or death. It is now the motto of New Hampshire. The cross stands for the Greek Orthodox religion. The flag was created by the Greeks and so were groundbreaking inventions. Some of their inventions are

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