
Why Is Jonbenet Ramsey Important

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JonBenet Ramsey Annotated Bibliography Several huge and important celebrities have had mysterious deaths. What happened? Was it an accident? Did someone kill them? If so, who killed them? These are all important questions to think of when thinking of such a death. I researched JonBenet Ramsey, a beauty pageant queen, whom was gorgeous, talented, and young. December 26, 1996, she was found murdered in the basement of her own home. The cause of death was suffocation. According to police reports, “ JonBenet was found in the small room covered with a blanket, her wrists were tied above her head, her mouth was covered with tape, and a nylon cord was wrapped around her neck”. There were also signs of sexual assault before she had been murdered. In fact, that there was a possibility of her having been sexually assaulted more than just right before her death. The prime suspects for the case were, of course, her parents. A note was left behind prior to the finding of the body, stated that if the Ramsey’s wanted to see their daughter again that they would have to attain $ 1118,000 from Mr. Ramsey’s account. This note was obviously not honored , asbecause JonBenet’s body was found around 30 minutes after the note was left. …show more content…

However, on August 17, 2006, an article stating that a man named, John Mark Karr, was responsiblerealized. He had admitted to the murder of JonBenet. This seemed strange to his wife, whom had sworn that the time of JonBenet’s murder he was with his family. He had said that him and JonBenet had been in love and that her murder was an accident. Later, evidence was found proving the innocence of John Karr through DNA data collected of JonBenet’s body. He’s still in custody however, due to the fact that he has been in possessionposition of child

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