
Why Is Lying Unjustified

Decent Essays

Lying, it’s everywhere. Almost 60% of most adults can’t go ten minutes without telling a lie. Some people lie to protect other people, while others lie to benefit themselves like maintaining the perfect image they care so much about. However, lying is completely unjustified unless you’re protecting yourself or someone else from danger. This idea can be further proven with evidence from a variety of articles.
To begin, many people believe that lying is unjustified, like German philosopher Immanuel Kant. Although, people agree with this statement, others may disagree. However, some people believe that “…lying is stressful and hurts relationships.” (Ballinger 5). This proves that lying is unjustified because if you chose to tell the truth it wouldn’t be stressful; and also it wouldn’t hurt relationships. Another example within the text states, “Delivering the truth is easier, takes less time, and is less stressful.” (Ballinger 5). This shows how if we tell the truth it’s easier, and it’s less time consuming. Furthermore, when you lie sometimes you have to rack your brain to remember what you lied about. In addition, when you lie you lose people’s trust. …show more content…

People like Brad Blanton believe this claim. For instance, sixty-four year old Harold Smith lied to his adult daughter about a tumor, he said, ‘I tried to protect her.” ( 3). Smith said that he didn’t want to get his daughter traumatized, he then said that it slowed down her anxiety. A piece of evidence within the text states that it’s “… OK to lie in certain situations, like protecting someone’s feelings.” ( 2). This further demonstrates that many people believe lying is only justified when protecting people. These examples shows how people use lying to protect

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