
Why Is Meursault Exiled

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When reading The Stranger I found it hard to see that Meursault was anything but detached. His lack of regard for those characters who should have been important to him made him seem amoral. When reading the Forward to The Stranger the author Albert Camus says that Meursault acts with this disregard for emotions because he refuses to play the game. The author admits that this makes Meursault seem strange but does not say that this strangeness is a bad thing. This statement made me rethink my opinion on Meursault. I began to think that a social construct for how one should react to a circumstance, in this case, Meursault’s mother’s death, shouldn’t be in place. I believe this because everyone reacts differently to different situations, therefore, to expect Meursault to mourn is unjust. …show more content…

The author describes lying as not only saying what is not, [but also], saying more than what is and more than one feels”, which Camus claims Meursault does throughout the novel (Page 1). The author says in doing so Meursault doesn’t overestimate his feelings. This statement would explain why Meursault doesn’t morn over his mother’s death or tell Marie he loved her when he didn’t. Although the author's intention may have been to show Meursault in this way it was damaging to the reader’s process of understanding the character because of the way Meursault demonstrates this

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