
Why Is National Security More Important Than Privacy

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National security is important than privacy
In my view national security is more important than privacy and as such should play second fiddle to national security. This is supported by the assertion that most of law enforcement professionals agree that there should be a provision to allow them access private information and online communication of members of the community especially if some members of the society are suspected of crime (Moore, 2005). For instance, Apple technology company was under pressure to submit cellphone information of San Bernardino shooters who killed several people, this means that in situations that privacy of individuals is observed and protected then national security of the whole country may be jeopardized.
Security experts have established that there is a link between national security, trust and privacy of individuals with the notion than surveys should come up with findings that can enlighten people on the impacts of ungoverned internet (Omand, 2010). In light of the San Bernardino shooting a US judge declined to warrant the wish of FBI that could have forced Apple to provide private phone information of the criminals, in this case this jeopardizes national security putting lives of people at stake. Legal professionals have asserted that companies should put in place measures and structures that will protect …show more content…

This affirms that national security is more important than just individual privacy just like the right to free speech does not allow you to shout fire in a crowded theatre, because people may be killed in a rush for the exits. On the same note, it is believed that Americans should allow governments and law enforcement agencies to control certain private actions that may act as security threats to the general public (Oram and Viega,

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