
Why Is Odysseus A Hero

Satisfactory Essays

People may have their own opinion on whether Odysseus is a hero or not, but there are many reasons why he is a hero. Odysseus is a hero because he is smart and brave. Odysseus is brave because he has fought many enemies on his way back home to Ithaca. While Odysseus and his men were stuck on Polyphemus’ island, they had to kill Polyphemus, “Straight forward they sprinted… and rammed it deep in his crater eye” (665). What this is saying is that Odysseus and his men were brave enough to run towards Polyphemus and stab him in the eye. Another reason why Odysseus is a hero is because he is smart. Odysseus is smart because he has the ability to think things through. When Odysseus was trying to kill Polyphemus, he had to distract the cyclops,

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