
Why Is Polis So Powerful In Greek Government

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The polis was a very big political change during the Dark Age. The word polis is also known as “city-state”. During the Archaic Period, there were two main poleis Sparta and Athens which spread the Greek culture. No polis was exactly like another. They each had their own customs and laws. However, physically each polis had very much in common. Their city had a water supply that came from fountains or springs, was surrounded by a wall, and had a public square or marketplace. Each polis was protected by ordinary citizens rather than an army. They also had three types of government to choose from. One type of government they had was a monarchy. In a monarchy, the polis would be ruled by a king. However, some violent periods would allow for the overthrow of a king and the rule of a tyrant. Most tyrants came to power by their wealth. Some tyrants were oppressive while others were fair to their citizens. These people were mostly told what to do and had little if any say in their …show more content…

Democracy is “the power of the people” (McKay et al, Western Society, 69). They were actually ruled buy their citizens not by all the people. They defined a citizen as an adult man who has at least one or two parents who are citizens. Women were considered citizens but only for reproductive and religious purposes, and weren’t able to participate in government. Still this form of government let some people participate in the government which I feel is a big step for this time period. Oligarchy was the other form of government used in the polis. Oligarchy means “the rule of a few” (McKay et al, Western Society, 70). Only citizens who met a minimum property requirement were able to participate in the government. Most Greeks preferred oligarchy over democracy since it was more politically stable. This form of government let some citizens participate in the government but not as many as democracy did, but still more than a monarchy

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