
How Did Greek Oligarchies

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Greek had four political systems. Monarchy, Oligarchy, Tyranny, Democracy. Monarchy- During the Mycenaean period (c. 1400–1150 BCE), most city­-states were ruled by monarchies, a system of government where one person—the king or queen—has the power to rule. Monarchy comes from the Greek mono­, meaning one, and archos, meaning leader. Monarchies in Greece were hereditary. Kings often had many advisers and officials from the upper class to help them make decisions. Depending on the city­state,8ers had varying amounts of power. Oligarchy-The natural isolation of the Greek city-states meant they each developed independently. Eventually, the people overthrew the kings, and around 800 BCE they established oligarchies, or governments where only a few people hold power. …show more content…

Tyranny- Although some city-states remained oligarchies well after the Persian Wars, by the 600s BCE people in many city-states disliked the oligarchies enough to seek another form of government. Usually, these powerful individuals were people in the military. These men used a variety of means to gain control, from political tactics to violence. After removing the oligarchs from power, many of these men established themselves as the absolute rulers of their respective city-states. This meant they had complete control of all aspects of government. Democracy- democracy was a system of direct democracy in which participating citizens focused directly on l egislationand executive bills. Participation was not open to all residents: to vote one had to be an adult, male citizen, i.e., not a foreign resident, a slave or a woman, and the number of these "varied between 30,000 and 50,000 out of a total population of around 250,000 to 300,000" or "no more than 30 percent of the total adult

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