
Why Is Rugby Dangerous

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There is many dangerous sports in the world but rugby is the most dangerous and here is why. The most dangerous sport in the world is rugby, because it involves talking and hurting other human beings. Rugby is very dangerous because it is supposed to be a very aggressive game. There are many reasons why rugby is such a dangerous sport to participate in. Also there are many ways on how you can get hurt and how you play the game can be so dangerous. There are many things that can come to you that can make rugby so dangerous, and that can be good so you know what to look out for. I hope that you learn a few tips about rugby from this. I have a few that I'm going to share with you, even though there are more than these reasons, but let's get started.

Rugby is a dangerous sport because of many reasons, let's go talk about one. First, let's talk about one of the main reasons that rugby is dangerous. One thing that makes rugby so dangerous is tackling because in order to do good you have to tackled hard. In rugby you have to be constantly tackling the other team or the other players. Also when you tackle the other person they could get hurt because of getting tackled so hard, and that you don't want to happen because that leads to bad things. There are many things …show more content…

I think if you play you better get patting and make sure that you can take a hit, and not be able to get hurt as easy. Although it is dangerous it does look like a good sport, but it is way to dangerous to play the sport. If you plan on playing I would go or watch a game so you can see how it works and if you think it safe. I would also make sure that you keep conscious of the players around you so you don't get blind sighted then something bad happens to you from it. I would advise you to not play this sport because of its danger involved but I can't stop you, but I hope you learn things before you

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