
Why Is Tom Sawyer Murder

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In the book Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, Tom and Huckleberry Finn witness Injun Joe murder Doctor Robinson while Muff Potter lies unconscious on the ground. Tom and Huck should tell the Sheriff that they saw the murder because Injun Joe needs to be punished, other people are in danger if Injun can walk freely, and Tom and Huck will feel guilty for the rest of their lives if they don’t tell. One reason Tom and Huck should tell the Sheriff what they saw is because Injun Joe needs to be punished. He murdered someone, and framed an innocent man. Everyone else in town believes it was Muff Potter, and now he is in jail for a crime he didn’t commit. And when or if he ever gets out, his life will be ruined. He will be seen as a murderer for the rest

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