
Why Is Trump Important To Politics?

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Most of the media doesn’t consider or treat Donald Trump as a serious candidate, nor do they afford him coverage in news and political verticals (accept the networks like CNN, Fox, NBC and CBS when his presence heightens their viewership). Trump and his haranguing style of a campaign have been relegated to the entertainment segments of many news broadcasts, which use his sound bites as a lead in for their seven o’clock editions and Internet headlines.

After listening to Donald Trump since he announced his candidacy, most news agencies and periodicals have decided not to report on his campaign. Instead, many cover him as part of their entertainment section. Their reasoning is disingenuous: They claim Trump's campaign has become a sideshow and they will not take the bait. If you’re interested in what Donald Trump has to say, you'll find it next stories about Justin Bibber and Kim Kardashian. But Donald Trump has undeniably turned into an important candidate, yet Huffington Post and Business Insider still consider Trump as an entertainment rather than politically relevant. …show more content…

But he has undeniably become a political phenomenon that conveys the importance of politics in America and it’s changing landscape. It is undeniably a serious matter that such a large block (and apparently still growing) of GOP voters would consider entrusting the nation to Trump. Indeed, the fact that Trump's demagoguery is still dominating at this stage of the campaign is a measure of just how far the tea party shift has come — and how this political extremism has taken hold within the GOP. Trump is not a problem for the Republicans because of his flamboyant, made-for-TV, and incendiary statements. Donald Trump has become a problem because significant pluralities of Republicans now cry out with passion, "Yeah, what he

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