
Why Kids Should Give Less Homework

Decent Essays

What is white, has printed words on it, costs you a grade and if you don’t do it, you get an F or detention or silent lunch or... no recess? The answer is homework. The main reason some kids don’t finish homework is because some teachers give way too much. Yes, if the child was absent they should do the missing assignment they missed, but that doesn’t mean you have to give it to them to finish it in one night! There is always another time. Children need a time to rest. They also need time to stop, set work aside and spend time with family. Plus, everyone needs a time to do what they want every once in awhile.Therefore, teachers should give less homework. Children need time to rest. For example, a student will unnecessarily stay up all night just to finish all the homework their teacher gave them, then come back to school drowsy-eyed. Also the child could be falling behind in their work, one moment they’re awake, the next moment they’re sleeping in the middle of class. Also, they can get detention for incompleted homework. Therefore, teachers should give less homework. Children need time to spend time with family. For example, the siblings of the student may become upset or …show more content…

For example, a kid will cheat just to get the work done. The child will also cheat because she/he could be so tired she/he just wants to get the work done. Now, that’s something that can cause you to get fired. Yes, we know homework is for our own good, but sometimes you just are going to have to get off our back. There is a saying:”cheaters never win, and winners never cheat.” With all this homework you give us kids, this saying will fly right out the window! Therefore, teachers should give less homework. We all know you teachers wouldn’t go to hard on us. In fact, I think the reason you became a teacher is homework! Just give us a bit less, but of course we’ll do it! Therefore, teachers should give less

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