
Why Kids Should Not Work In School Research Paper

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If I had to agree, or disagree with our principals decision to make every child, in our school, take an extra-curricular class I would strongly disagree. First of all, some kids have problems with not doing just a little homework from our main courses, so adding on extra work will possibly make their grades worse. Second of all, they might have to take care of their siblings or loved ones, while the parent or guardian is away. Lastly, the older-classmen might have to work after afternoon shift and not have time for extra-curricular activities. Those are just some of the reasons I strongly disagree. First of all, some kids really have problems with not doing just a little homework for their main courses, so adding extra courses on them may just drop their grade. The special education kids won’t be able to handle all that extra hard work. The kids who may be able to handle the extra work, usually, can’t handle it, and fails it. Think about those kinds who play football and other sports, most of them are failing at least one of their classes because they don’t have time to do the homework at practice. Making a decision like this takes a lot of figuring up. Second of all, they might have family and/or financial issues, so they might have to take care of their siblings or loved ones, while the parent or guardian …show more content…

They may work from after-school till one in the morning, and once they get home they are way too tired to do homework, and need sleep for the next day. If they do get home and realize they have three pages of homework and they do it, then, they get done at five just an hour before the bus arrives. They won’t have time to sleep, what so ever. If they get no sleep for the next day they will be tired, and cranky, and just might fall asleep in class. So, its maybe best to at least just give those students one page of homework a

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