
Why Kids Should Start Later Research Paper

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Too Early to Start
“Early to bed, early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise,” said Ben Franklin. This statement points out that humans would achieve many benefits from having an efficient sleep circle. However, this habit seems hard to follow in reality especially for the teenagers who are going through puberty. From Let Kids Sleep Later, Terra Ziporyn Snider mentioned that “starting schools no early than 8:30 a.m. is a turning point in the decades-old-battle to start school later”, which means school days starting later is not a new discussion in society. There are many studies about relationship between time management and the time school starts have been considered to find the best way for students to interact with school and other activities. Although many people believe that students are supposed to go to school early in the morning when they can save more times for more activities, I believe that school days should start later for two main reasons: health issues and time management. …show more content…

One of the most discusses issues is how to “establish adolescent sleep” for the new teenagers’ generation who are born in the boom-bust-cycle of technologies and modern entertainments which often distract them from sleep. Another issue is that most teenagers could barely get to sleep early at night because of puberty which mostly leads to “chronic sleep deprivation.” The National Sleep Foundation proved that proper sleep for teenagers is extremely important for proper growth. Teenagers need about 9 ¼ hours of sleep each night to benefit for studies and other activities the next day. For example, a student who gets only 3 hours of sleep, have a really hard time to pay attention in her class, and remember what she learned and experienced during the day. Therefore, sleep habits can help teenagers to function alert levels and maintain healthiest

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