
Why Major Is Important

Decent Essays

Around the time of 9th grade, I pondered an age-old question: what is the point in learning this if we are never going to use it in real life? I had thought of this before, but had never gone as in-depth as I did this time. What prompted me to think more deeply about this was because someone in my class asked the question, and being the helpful student I wanted to help them. I tried to see myself in college, taking on the attitude of someone who only took classes that pertained to, what they thought at the time, their major. I realized this type of student, if not content with his choice of major in college, will struggle to stay afloat and grab ahold of the floating planks of unrecognizable majors and lost opportunities. Thus, ultimately drowning in their could-be dream jobs. I realized that majors are just titles, and without having taken classes in it previously, will be unable to distinguish it from the rest and will have a hard time choosing a major. Realizing this course is of bad undertaking, I tried to see myself in college with the attitude of someone who had broadened their horizons and came prepared with fall-back majors. This person was quickly able to locate their 3 fall-back majors, or savior planks, due to them being recognizable because of previous classes. This student, now with the hard part out of the way, will now be able to sail to calmer seas and continue their journey known as college. …show more content…

I chose a computer science class only because I thought I would be good at it since my dad does it for his job. Due to my change in beliefs, I am now taking my 3rd Computer Science class as a senior because I enjoy it so much. This opportunity that I took, has now given me closer relationship with my dad and has potentially made Computer Science my career

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