
Why Should Anybody Care?

Better Essays


Introduction and Objective

“Why should anybody care?” That’s the question of the day! The answer is also how you create an effective concluding section for your essay. You want to make sure your reader understands why they read through your entire essay, and you want them to be happy they spent the time doing it!

Today 's lesson objective is: Students will write a concluding section that follows from the information or explanation presented. In addition to a strong introduction, every great essay needs a great conclusion to wrap up all of your interesting points! Are there strategies that you can use to summarize your main points and tie all of your ideas together? Record your plan of attack for writing a …show more content…

To write your concluding section, just follow these steps:

1. Refer to your thesis (remind the audience of your purpose)
2. Summarize your main points/findings
3. Synthesize to tell how your main points fit together
4. Relate to your reader(s) - Try to link back to the hook that started the essay

Placing these pieces in this particular order makes a big impact on the reader. It gives you a good strategy for helping your reader(s) remember what is most important about your thoughts from the essay. Let’s see how well you can recall the order of the tasks you need to create a complete and memorable concluding paragraph.



Now that you know what you need to do, it’s time to take a closer look at the specific tasks you’ll need to complete to compose your concluding paragraph.

1. Refer to the thesis does not mean just rewriting it exactly as you did in the introduction! It means that you must write your purpose and add whether you feel that you have achieved that purpose.

Example: In this essay I set out to analyze the figurative language and symbolism in Angelou’s poem, “Caged Bird.” I found that not only does Angelou use literary elements like an expert; she also creates a deep experience for

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