
Why Should I Go College?

Decent Essays

Why Should I Go To College? College? The one place where many people hardly decide about going to have a better education to start their lives? Why should you go to college? One article published by Holly Epstein Ojalvo, she based her article about Dale J. Stephens who is the founder of “UnCollege.” Stephens made “UnCollege” for individuals to find their own way to success without college. Another news writer Jennifer Ludden, published a different article “Going to College May Cost You, But So Will Skipping It.” Ludden’s article was completely financial. Ludden describes the different between attending college and missing it. Ludden talks about a gap between college and non-college students. How an average college graduate makes about $17,500 per year and that gaps keeps increasing yearly. In the article “Why Go to College At All?” Stephens is making opinions about how college is not really important to people. Stephen declares that college is a waste of time because you can find out any information anywhere online. In “Going to College May Cost You, But So Will Skipping It,” Ludden begins to clarify that going to college will benefit you in the future. Ludden states that college graduates will eventually make more than half a million dollars over there lifetime. Mentioned before, the gap between non-college and college student’s salaries throughout the years are getting even wider. I want to go to college to better my education. College is a way out to me because I don’t

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