
Why Should I Sell My Watch

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Why should I sell my watch?

High-end watches fetch top dollars in the market. They ooze elegance, wealth, and class. A watch reflects the personal style taste and character hence they are more than just utility. the questions that always comes to mind is, "Where and how can I sell my watch conveniently?".

What should I know before I try to sell my watch?

Selling watches is not like selling any other luxury good. If you want to get the best price for your timepiece, you need to know the brand, value, quality, and market value of your watch before you can even begin negotiating.

Where is the best place to sell watches?

The best place to sell your watch is through:

Private buyers – private dealers tend to offer the highest prices. If you …show more content…

Pawn shops and jewelry establishments are not the best places to sell watches. They can take advantage of you by undervaluing your watch.

Find a reputable company with excellent Better Business Bureau rating;
Check that the company has positive customer reviews on Google+ or Yelp.
Determine the certifications of the company and whether the company uses the right equipment.
Make sure the company offers the actual estimated price. Some companies might offer a higher initial price for marketing purpose.
What is the selling process?

Selling a luxury expensive watch is a formal transaction. The buyer will ask you to fill out a form including details about the brand, history, and quality of the watch. The buyer should also explain the:

Legal formalities
Cost of appraisal
Mode of payment
The buyer will then ascertain the details provided about the watch, and give you a quote. A dealer who asks for these important details and clearly explains the selling process of the watch is likely a trustworthy and credible buyer.

How do I know how to price my watch?

A formal appraisal by the buyer, the prevailing market prices of the watch, the watch quality and condition are all key factors that will dictate the

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