
Why Should Not Be A Degree? Essay

Decent Essays

Deciding whether or not to get a degree can be one of the most challenging decisions a person can make. Seeing as a college degree no longer guarantees success, many people are now questioning the value of a post-secondary education. With all the risks involved with getting a degree, it has become very important to evaluate your reasons for going to school. Statistics show that obtaining a degree raises the chances of becoming wealthy, but for most graduates that has become relative to their major. For some, obtaining a college degree could result in a better quality job. While for others, it could end in student debt and unemployment. People are questioning the education system now more than ever, and many authors think they are right for doing so. People often wonder if obtaining a college education will guarantee them a job, or if they are wasting their assets for no guarantee to success. This leads to questioning the value of education, and its paradigms. This is why some authors and professors think that the education system as a whole is a fluke. Regarding the question of whether or not college helps people obtain better work, it is showed that the value of the degree is relative to the field a person wishes to be in. Yet, some jobs look for people who have degrees because education is said to make better more responsible workers. Therefore, people with a college degree are more likely to find work regardless of whether or not their degree is relative to the job

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