Sports have always been a big part of my life. I grew up with all males, with the exclusion of one female cousin, Naydeen. Even though I am female I always played with the boys. We would go out and play football, baseball, basketball and any other sports we could think of. Baseball was always my favorite. Then, I learned about softball and fell in love. Softball is a sport everyone can try. It teaches you dedication, athleticism, and teamwork. The first time I became officially involved in softball was my sophomore year of high school. The same day I joined is the same day I fell in love. My coach was great! I wasn’t the best on the team and I needed a lot of practice, but he would not let me give up. I have never been so dedicated to something in my life. I practiced every-single-day. I worked through injuries, pain, and heat. Practiced ended at five o’clock; I wouldn’t leave that field until seven p.m. Softball taught me no matter how bad or good at something you are there is always room to improve, to get better. Also, to stay on the team you had to pass all your classes including gym. I became so …show more content…
We would run and do drills until we could barely walk. Then, we would take the field like it was game time. I am asthmatic, so it was hard for me to stay on track. That made me push myself even harder. I would try to run the fastest, hit the best, and field the best. I became extremely strong and agile. By my second year I was junior captain. My third year I became senior captain. My team consisted of amazing ladies who were just as dedicated as I was. I was the second fastest by my second year and the best hitter by my third year. My girls were like sisters. We continued to push each other and cheer each other on. “R-I-P-I-T! Rip it for me baby! Rip it!” this was one of my favorite cheers. We would all stand and clap while reciting the chant. It would get everyone so pumped! We were ready for the good
Becoming an athlete was the smartest and most influential activity I have partaken in which has left such an enormous impact on my life. Developing into adolescence, I learned that I treasured to get dirty and often distributed physical and mental stability. Softball was the perfect sport to grasp onto and acquire skills for livelihood. It teaches detachment, dedication, teamwork, and many other traits. I have played six years of softball all together on three different types of teams, and I cannot remember a time I was on the diamond that I did not achieve a type of educational increase.
Ever since I learned the ropes, I wanted to play because it has always been my dream to play softball. My mom told me I could try out for Lakeshore Playground that got anyone involved in any sport. There was no such thing as tryouts for this playground. During some of the games, I had my good days and my bad days at either hitting or catching. I loved being on that field. I felt that it was just only my teammates and me on the field waiting for our rivals to hit the ball. That season was a good one, and I will never forget it. This is what started my dreams from just playing on a playground field to being on an actual team. To everyone else it may be just a field with red dirt, but to me it is more than that. It is everything I could dream of because the game is about my teammates and me. I loved my passion, and will continue it later on in my
Starting at such a young age my passion for the game has grown. Playing in the spring for Little League and then continuing to play throughout the summer, strengthened my love for the game. With being apart of Plainville League created a family between me and my teammates. Not only did our team become close, but also our families. Between working in the concession stand, fundraising, and the team get togethers all made us feel a part of the Plainville community. The fundamental skills I learned back then stayed with me today, improving my skills each day. Plainville Little League helped me to find my passion. Without my start playing for Plainville League through seven years I would never have found my passion for softball. Playing on a high level team at such a young age taught me to work hard. I knew I wasn't the best player on the team, but I knew I was the most determined. I would always work hard and perfect my game so I would one day be as good as my older teammates. Whether it would be extra hitting time in the batting cages or practicing at home, I was always trying to improve my
Ever since I was seven years old playing t-ball I dreamed of playing high school softball. Every year I waited not so patiently for the season to start. My junior year in high school I was the second basemen for my school softball team. That year my team and I were more determined than ever to get our team to the state finals. Before the state tournament we had to win conference, sectionals, and super sectionals. My junior year my team and I had our hearts set on being the first team in Somonauk history to ever win to the state championship.
Softball has taught me many life skills like how to get along with twenty girls and have a friendship with each and everyone of them. Also I think it has really shaped my life a little bit because I dont think im the same person I was two months ago. Even though my team didn't win every game or even most of our games we still acted like a unit and didn't
I love playing softball and it is the best sport ever if you ask me. Some other athletes prefer baseball, basketball, volleyball, track, wrestling, or even golf. Some people might even prefer to watch those sports then to play them.
Something that makes me happy is baseball. I love being on the field and just doing my best. Baseball has always been there for me when no one else was, anytime I was angry or upset before a game or practice it'd immediately go away when I stepped on the field. It's something i've always worked hard at and never gave up on no matter what and i've put a lot of effort and time into it.
For five years I have been playing softball. Just last year I was apart of a travel team. We had a great team and worked very well together. We went to multiple tournaments and put our best foot forward no matter what the circumstances were. I have never played with a better group of girls who love the game as much as I did.
Softball is a sport that is known throughout the United States and the world. Softball originated on Thanksgiving Day in Chicago in 1887. The game was actually said to have begun as an indoor game. Softball was started by a group of men who had gathered at a club to watch the Harvard vs. Yale football game. When the news came that Yale had defeated Harvard, 17-8, one Yale supporter, overcome with enthusiasm, picked up an old boxing glove and threw it at a nearby Harvard alumni, who promptly tried to hit it back with a stick. This gave George Hancock, a reporter for the Chicago Board of Trade, an idea. He suggested a game of indoor baseball. Naturally, Hancock's friends thought he was talking about playing a game outdoors, not indoors.
Baseball is the reason I turned out to be the person I am today. It has taught me lifelong lessons that I will carry with me off this earth. The hard work and focus and also the integrity I put into it was because of my coaches. They pushed me every step of the way. When I wanted to give up they were there to tell me keep going strive for greatness. At a young age I tried out for T-Ball, made it to little league where I won most valuable player, and ended my baseball career in high school.
Baseball is a very good sport to get into, it is also a very active sport for exercise.There are a lot of people making a lot of money playing baseball also some people are lucky enough to play it as there job.There is so many things you can learn in baseball.
“The inclusion of the package of new sports will afford young athletes the chance of a lifetime to realize their dreams of competing in the Olympic Games – the world's greatest sporting stage – and inspire them to achieve their best, both in sport and in life (Elliott).” Softball should be back in the Olympics because it makes money and and benefits players by increasing interests.
We practiced everyday nonstop and won game after game. We became infamous to the other teams for our ability to decimate our competition. Everything was going well until the semifinals when I was called up to bat. I never had to bat in any of the previous games because there was a turnover before I even had a chance to bat. I was completely dumbfounded, I double checked with the coach to make sure I was truly next, I then asked the batting coach and he said the same. I nervously put on my gloves and helmet as I watched the previous player who had stuck out come back to the dugout with his head down. It was the last inning and there were players on first, second, and third. A tied game between us and the White Sox. I slowly dragged myself to home plate and stood there. I raised the bat behind my head and held it firmly just as my batting coach said. I concentraded my breathing as sweat began to collect on my fore head. We had two outs and all I had to do was tap the ball and we would go on to the finals and then glory. The pitcher gazed took a deep breath and paused. Then in a blink of an eye he
Hall of fame baseball player, Babe Ruth, once said, “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up.” Throughout my involvement and participation in baseball, I have always kept this quote in the back of my head just to remind myself to keep grinding and stay committed when things get hard. Baseball has taught me, and even my family, valuable life lessons over the course of the last several years.
Have you ever thought about the sport of softball? I finally did when I was right around the age of seven. I didn’t think to play right away, even my kindergarten reading buddy said that when she asked me if I would ever try softball I had a very quick response of “No”. When I was younger I had my heart set on soccer. We see how that changed quickly. Now I try and balance softball and school every night. Somehow even after 5 years of different teams I’m still balancing both.