
Why Students Drop Out Of High School

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The concept of the American Dream is that anyone can do anything if they only put in enough hard work and determination to accomplish their goals. However, a barrier to this dream in society is the capacity to obtain a quality education. People who don’t acquire a high school diploma generally carry the burden of poorer health throughout their lives, a greater chance of being unemployed, have a higher chance that they will use drugs, and a higher rate of going to prison, compared to people who attain at least a high school education. In addition, a large portion of those who do get a high school diploma, don’t continue on to get an associates or bachelor’s degree in college. Study shows that one of the main reasons that students drop out …show more content…

By pointing out and criticizing mistakes, kids are losing the ability to be creative, and schools focus more on academic ability and scholarly jobs, instead of creative talents and innovative ideas that young kids have. However, there is a solution to this dilemma. A well-known professor, author, and expert on education equity, Matthew Lynch, addresses the problems that schools have with reshaping learning techniques when he stated, “Public education in America needs teachers who are better trained to meet the needs of specific student populations, understand the necessary role of distance learning, and are willing to speak up to facilitate classroom change” (Lynch). Lynch is discussing the need to change with the times, an area where teachers have sorely failed. This shows that if teachers can adapt to the developing generations, and provide confidence to kids so they can continue to be creative, instead of discouraging students to even try, then those kids can obtain a more valuable education, which will enable them to better achieve their dreams, and reach their destination.
Students will have an eagerness to learn, and will put forth a greater attempt in their education if teachers embolden students to be engaged in school and school activities. A team of researchers in Illinois who specialize in studying education, discussed learning and how “the task of improving education” (Edutopia) falls on both teachers and students, both the mentor and the apprentice,

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