
Why Teenagers Should Have Internet Safety

Decent Essays

90 percent of teens say they have ignored the harassment of bullying, sexual content, and other inappropriate things on the web. Only 84 percent of people have seen people tell the harasser to stop, doing that could possibly save a life if you tell harassers to stop. Teens should have Internet safety for several reasons, these are some reason why teens should have more Internet safety.
People are creeps, bullies, stalkers, and they all could possibly post inappropriate content. It's important for teens to be aware of the dangers over the Internet. For example, 95 percent of social media- using teens who have social media, have seen cruel behavior. 27 percent of people report harassers over the Internet quite a bit. Also, many children are too trusting of anyone they meet that seems nice, even over the Internet. 30 percent of people have said they would travel to meet each other in person. All in all, people take advantage of young people and befriend people that are complete strangers and try to trick kids into bad situations. …show more content…

21 percent of people say that they have joined in on the harassment, along with others. 1 million children were harassed, threatened, or subjected to a type of harassment over the Internet. Many post personal information; some even show their phone numbers and addresses to strangers over the Internet. Child predators often hang out on social networking, gaming, and chat sites too try too find their 'prey' with the help of social media. Being found on the Internet is no laughing matter, it is a very dangerous situation. For all the teens know, they don't know the critical dangers. Also, if a teen continues on joining in with the harassment, it could impact on their career

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