
Why Was Friar Lawrence To Blame In Romeo And Juliet

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In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, multiple characters were responsible for the tragic ending of the play. One of the characters was Friar Lawrence who was a religious figure who married Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, two lovers from feuding families.Friar Lawrence is a mentor to Romeo and offers him advice about loving Juliet. Friar Lawrence cared for both Romeo and Juliet and married them despite knowing that the lovers were supposed to be sworn enemies due to their feuding families. He also rushed to Juliet’s tomb in order to make sure nothing bad had happened to Romeo or Juliet because Friar John’s failure to deliver the letter which was a crucial part of Lawrence’s plan to reunite the lovers. The letter outlined the friar’s plan and explained Juliet’s supposed death to Romeo but it didn’t not reach him in time which eventually led to the double-suicide of the lovers. However, Friar Lawrence concocted a poison which simulated a death-like state and gave it to Juliet which could have actually killed her which is a punishable deed. Friar Lawrence committed …show more content…

Friar Lawrence as well as Juliet took a risk with the potion because it had the potential to go wrong and kill Juliet which would defeat the whole purpose of the plan. This act was punishable because a religious figure gave a young girl a potentially lethal potion with just the hope that it would wear off in time for Juliet to reunite with Romeo. Although Friar Lawrence gave Juliet the potentially dangerous potion, he did it with the hope that she would wake up and be reunited with Romeo. He most certainly did not have the intentions of having Juliet wake up right after Romeo killed himself which led to her suicide. Friar Lawrence had good intentions when giving Juliet the herbal potion and did not know that his plan would lead to the demise of the two

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