
Why We Are Liars Relevant Today

Decent Essays

Is We We’re Liars relevant to our world currently? Is it even important, does it have any significance? That’s a question which may have many answers. Maybe yes. Maybe No. Maybe it’s too far fetched. Maybe it has touched people's hearts. Maybe, maybe, maybe. When it comes to books of fiction we know their fake, made up, not real. But the difference is that they feel real, they feel alive. So im just thinking that maybe, just maybe that We Were Liars has a meaning a bit more deeper than a fake character named Cadence. Cadence and her perfect Sinclair family whose wealth is in abundance. A destructive friendship of the four Liars. A story about a girl and her family of silence, greed, and rivalry.

Just like i've said before “The world of fiction …show more content…

Having parents that are divorced is nothing something made up and it affects kids every day just like how it affected Cadence. “ It tasted like salt and failure. The bright red shame of being unloved soaked the grass in front of our house, the bricks of the path, the steps to the porch. My heart spasmed among the peonies like a trout” (Lockhart 23). Cadence felt unloved, she felt like it was her fault of being a failure as a daughter that her father left them, she felt humiliated. Emily Lockhart teaches us something,in a fictional book i might add, that can help teach us something about reality. That in reality kids with divorced parents are hurt, and they frequently blame themselves.

This short novel have taught me something important. This mere world of fictional characters, places, and actions have shown me that i've got a wonderful sister (don’t tell her I said that), and two outstanding parents. And that's all you need. Those connections, shared memories, and strong bonds is enough to keep a family together. Not a fancy car, a private island, or an unlimited bank accountant. So I say thank you Cadence, thank you Mirren, Johnny and Gat. Thank you for teaching me a lesson, for showing me that fiction is oh so close to

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