
Why We Should Abortion Be Illegal

Decent Essays

Many teenagers and adults become pregnant and they don’t know what to do. Many of them just think that they should get an abortion. But, they don’t always think about their other options that they have. They end up going to the doctor’s office and they get an abortion. Most people know if they get an abortion that they could put their self at risk. There is many things that could happen if they get an abortion. I am not for abortions and I think that the Government needs to find some other things to get rid of them. I also feel like there needs to be more people who are there to argue against abortions and teach others that abortions should be illegal. Should abortions be legal or illegal?
When people aren’t ready to be a parent, they go to the doctor’s office. The doctor will give the patient their options. Many people don’t always think about them. Their options give them something to really think about. The patient might want to look more into parenting and adoption before they chose to get an abortion. The doctor will talk to them about putting the child up for adoption. Another option could be to have another family member raise the child. If another family member raises the child then once the parent is ready to …show more content…

There job is to go around and teach others about abortions. They tell them all of their risks (The doctor will also discuss with you at the appointment if you are getting one.) is they get one and how they shouldn’t be legal. They go around to other places and tell the adults how they (the government) should put a stop to it. Many people don’t like to think about abortions and abortions should only be used if they really need to be. They will only have to be used if both humans are put at risk and the only way to save them would be through an abortion. They shouldn’t be used because someone doesn’t want to have the child. That is why these people go

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