Be the voice for the voiceless. Unfortunately, people are not the only ones who face many different stereotypes and discriminations throughout their lives; animals such as, pit bulls face similar struggles. Pit bulls that are often perceived to be “dangerous” animals happen to be misunderstood and stereotyped against the most. Therefore, I believe pit bulls should not be banned in some communities because a pit bull’s behavior depends on the owner, pit bulls are just like any other dog breed and they can be very protective and loving to others.
When some people hear the breed pit bull or even encounter a pit bull during their day, their natural instinct sends out signals like, “beware” to the brain. These signals are alerting us from possible dangers that could occur. Our thoughts immediately tell us to take action. That is to play it safe and to take separate ways. My opponents, those against pit bulls, believe that pit bulls inherit dangerous qualities. However, their behavior depends on how the owner raises and treats their dogs. Pit bulls are not born aggressive they are taught and raised to be aggressive. Pit bulls that were neglected, abused and
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Therefore, they are not willing to take the risk when it comes to their well- being and children. However, pit bulls crave attention and love. Therefore, they can be one of the most affectionate dog breeds out there. Dr. Ian Dunbar (1999) writes: "Today, a properly bred pit bull is so exuberantly happy upon meeting her owner's friends (or even friendly strangers) that new owners sometimes worry that their dog is too sweet and fun-loving to protect their home and family” (Dunbar 2). Plus, their intimidating looks can serve many benefits to the community. For instance, pit bulls are extremely loyal animals and will do anything to protect the people they love. They can keep robbers or bad people in general from harming people of the
Pit bulls shold be pets and should not be banned.Here are a few reasons why.
Pit bulls are a breed that are very misunderstood. We use illegal Pit Bull fighting as organized crime which leads people to think that they are vicious animals, but they are not. Though this breed may be aggressive, they can bring good companionship. Pit Bulls dogs have long been popular family pets, noted for their gentleness, affection and loyalty. “This breed have been characterized by certain physical and behavioral traits.” (Statement on Pit Bulls). Pit bulls have been known to attack people, but it was the owner who has trained them to be like that. As you can see these are some of the effects of Pit Bulls.
To begin with, Pit Bulls can be very nice pets if they are raised correctly. On the other hand, these same outstanding qualities can make them a little difficult for people who don't have a lot of dog experience or don't know much
How often do people walk by a place and see someone getting attacked by a pitbull? Pretty much never. So why ban pit bulls from being pets whenever they don’t do anything to anyone? That’s right, they shouldn’t be banned. Pit bulls should be allowed to be pets because they help children and teens with ADHD, they’re not dangerous if raised properly, and banning pit bulls isn’t going to stop all dog bites.
People in the public are lead to believe that Pit Bulls are bred only as fighting dogs and that they are aggressive to other dogs and humans. It is unfortunately true that some Pit Bulls are bred for fighting but, not all are. There is a small percentage overall of Pit Bulls that are used as fighting dogs, mostly Pit Bulls are family dogs. “Some pit bulls were selected and bred for their fighting ability. That means that they may be more likely than other breeds to fight with dogs. It doesn’t mean that they can’t be around other dogs or that they’re unpredictably aggressive. Other pit bulls were specifically bred for work and companionship. These dogs have long been popular family pets, noted for their gentleness, affection and loyalty.” (Position). This states that not all Pit Bulls are threatening and have a desire to fight. I believe that dog fighting is wrong and should be illegal throughout the United States. Dog fighting is a very popular underground form of entertainment.
Pit Bulls are known worldwide for being inherently dangerous and extremely vicious, but according to the American Temperament Test Society, Inc. 86.8% of American Pit Bull Terriers have passed their temperament tests better than Collies, Golden Retrievers, and Beagles. Many people don’t know that the term “bully breed” refers to more than forty breeds that hail from the same root breed. The history of the Pit Bull goes back to about the nineteenth century, during that time they were used to protect livestock, families, and even children as nannies (the Canine Journal). Today Pit Bulls are used as therapy dogs, police dogs, and of course a simple companion. Many myths about pit bulls circulate, which scares society into believing that they are dangerous to us and our families the question of banning Pit Bulls has been hotly discussed around the world, but banning Pit Bulls will not stop illegal breeding, fighting and distribution of Pit Bulls, other dogs from biting, and the problem will grow. The question of whether or not Pit Bulls should be banned is a hot topic in recent society, but the real question is should Pit Bulls be punished for the actions of their owners, or should laws be enforced at a higher degree.
206). Further research shows that Pit Bulls aren’t the most dangerous breed of dog. They are ranked higher for their tolerance than they are for their aggression (Baldwin, S. 2016). No matter what real facts and statistics say, Pit Bulls are still being discriminated against and banned all around the world. As the years, have gone on, it has been harder and harder to own a Pit Bull. Many neighborhood or apartment complexes won’t allow you to live in their facilities if you own a Pit Bull or anything that remotely looks like a Pit Bull. If that isn’t enough, most insurance agencies won’t cover you, your family or your home if you own a Pit Bull (ReidHead, J, L 2017). Because of all these regulations and limitation when owning a Pt Bull, owners and Pit Bull advocates are working harder to push their point that it’s the owner that makes the dog. With proper training and responsible owners Pit Bulls are not a threat or a danger to society. Pit Bulls are no more dangerous than any dog breed with they are trained and raised responsibly. In this paper, I be explaining how irresponsible Pit Bull owners are the cause of Pit Bulls aggression towards people and other animals by explaining the history of the breed, Pit Bulls involvement in dog fighting, gang violence and true statistics surrounding the breed. To solve this problem, I recommend that all future and
The breed known as “Pit Bulls” consists of many breeds in the Bull Terrier group. Today these dogs are known for their fighting, biting, and their aggressive behavior. Some of the many stereotypes of these dogs are: “Pit bulls are inherently vicious” (17 Things...). No dog is inherently
The main reason pit bulls attack is because they are mentally unstable, a mixed breed and show overbearing traits, or because they are mistreated by their owners. The public must understand that the three “pit bull breeds were bred for dog fighting and bear and bull-baiting” (PBRC). On the other hand, they were also kept as “nanny dogs” and used for herding cattle. “Pit bulls are ideal for therapy work because of their pleasant nature” (PBRC). These are three of the most stable breeds known to man. They have a very high temperament test score, 86% as of 2010, a lot higher than most breeds. “The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the top 5 most stable breeds in the country” (PBRC). Anyone can see that this is an excellent breed of dog. There are a few things that people should know though. “Pit bulls have a lower Tolerance to dogs, but with any breed, a dog’s tolerance changes as they mature” (PBRC). “Maturity can come late with pit bull breeds” (Villalobos Rescue Center). The reason for this low tolerance is because of their history of dog fighting. It has been bred into them to have the will to fight. Pit bulls usually do not start a fight most of the time, but they will not back down or give up. Due to this, owners must be cautious and attentive.
MAIN IDEA #2: One of the biggest preconceived notions about the pit bull is that they are the most dangerous dogs in the world that run around wild-eyed and blood thirsty. They have been improperly labeled as vicious creatures that are incapable of love and
Pit bulls are the most misunderstood dog breeds in the world. When people hear the word pit bull they automatically think of dogs fighting and attacking. When people say "pit bull" they're usually referring to a range of breeds and, often, a mixed-breed dog. (Lawrence, C Louisville Magazine Feb 2007) People think they are a very dangerous breed of dog. Because of this, some areas do not allow pit bulls and breeds like them. Pit bulls are the leading culprit of dog bites in America, but on the other hand, they are the gentlest dogs people will ever meet. The National Canine Temperament Testing Association
Pit bulls have a lot of history. Pit bulls been bred for human companionship, and since the 1900s, they have been bred for conformation showing as well. Pit bulls have been used as farm dogs, family dogs, military mascots, and all-purpose companions. In England, the Staffie Bull is known as the “The Nanny Dog” or “The Children’s Nursemaid” because of their placid and nurturing demeanor toward children. They say “Regardless of how gentle your dog is, all dogs of any breed should never be left alone unsupervised with children”.Throughout their history in America, pit bull dogs have
“Pitbulls Should Be Banned” is the name of the forum started by user “Valich”. This essay was posted onto the website, a forum for “intelligent discussion” (encyclopedia) This article enlists a call to action of banning of the breed of dogs known as Pit Bulls, due to their vicious behavior and running record of attacks on children and adults. There is no background information about the author. It is unknown if he is just someone posting because he is bored, or someone who is well educated and wanted to have intellectual conversations with other individuals. Parents and those who care for children are the intended audience for this article. Although posted in December of 2010, this topic is still quite controversial in 2017. I volunteer at an animal shelter where Pit Bulls are the most common breed that are homeless. I have never seen these dogs be aggressive, they are just hurt
When you see a Pit Bull, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? More times than not, it’s fear. But what comes to my mind is that this is my favorite kind of dog, and that it is very misunderstood and stereotyped by most people thanks to all the negative media. That’s why I’m writing about the truths regarding the American Pit Bull Terrier. They are always talked about as being very aggressive and vicious breed, but in fact they are a gentle companion. I would like to convince the people of Farmers Branch, Texas, that Pit Bull’s deserve to be considered as family pets.
Owning a pit bull in today’s day and age has one of two reactions: Either the person loves them or is terrified of them. There are so many myths about Pit Bulls and they are just that. Myths. Some of the myths that surround pit bulls are that they have “lock jaw” and they have a killer instinct that does not stop at just killing other animals. Pit bull advocates, such as myself, know that Pit Bulls have always been known as the “nanny dog” throughout history because of how much they love children and their loyalty to their families. Mean or vicious dogs come from ignorant, irresponsible owners. The bottom line is that not all pit bulls are bad.