
Why We Should Pitbulls Not Be Banned

Decent Essays

Be the voice for the voiceless. Unfortunately, people are not the only ones who face many different stereotypes and discriminations throughout their lives; animals such as, pit bulls face similar struggles. Pit bulls that are often perceived to be “dangerous” animals happen to be misunderstood and stereotyped against the most. Therefore, I believe pit bulls should not be banned in some communities because a pit bull’s behavior depends on the owner, pit bulls are just like any other dog breed and they can be very protective and loving to others.
When some people hear the breed pit bull or even encounter a pit bull during their day, their natural instinct sends out signals like, “beware” to the brain. These signals are alerting us from possible dangers that could occur. Our thoughts immediately tell us to take action. That is to play it safe and to take separate ways. My opponents, those against pit bulls, believe that pit bulls inherit dangerous qualities. However, their behavior depends on how the owner raises and treats their dogs. Pit bulls are not born aggressive they are taught and raised to be aggressive. Pit bulls that were neglected, abused and …show more content…

Therefore, they are not willing to take the risk when it comes to their well- being and children. However, pit bulls crave attention and love. Therefore, they can be one of the most affectionate dog breeds out there. Dr. Ian Dunbar (1999) writes: "Today, a properly bred pit bull is so exuberantly happy upon meeting her owner's friends (or even friendly strangers) that new owners sometimes worry that their dog is too sweet and fun-loving to protect their home and family” (Dunbar 2). Plus, their intimidating looks can serve many benefits to the community. For instance, pit bulls are extremely loyal animals and will do anything to protect the people they love. They can keep robbers or bad people in general from harming people of the

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