
“Will You Marry Me?”. “No.” She Did Not Say This Unkindly

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“Will you marry me?” “No.” She did not say this unkindly; the pain that filled Cali felt as if she had. “Why not?” Cali managed, holding onto the hilt of her sword to steady herself. “What am I supposed to do?” Zula asked her. “I am a Queen; I have responsibilities that go beyond how I feel about you. I cannot marry the Captain of my Royal Guard.” “This goes beyond my position. Why am I not enough for you?" Cali asked. "You are," Zula assured. "My love for you is absolute." "I believe that you love me." Zula reached Cali, but Cali pulled away, placing an alarmed expression on Zula. Looking at the woman she loved dearly, Cali felt hollow. "You choose to not marry me." "I don 't have a choice." Zula tugged at the sleeve of the gown she …show more content…

******** It had been three months since Cali left the palace, never once returning to see Zula. She was at the Iron Rose Inn when she had heard bits of conversations from few civilians discussing Zula. “The man snuck into her room, nearly killed the Queen while she slept—” “He awaits execution for his crimes. Wish I could kill the man myself.” That was all it took to cause Cali had rode off to the Palace on her horse. Even as she arrived to the main gate, she was not sure why she was going or what she would say. The guards at the gate did not question her as they opened the gate, only nodded in acknowledgement that she was still their Captain. She climbed off her horse, climbing up the steps two at a time. Even looking around a place she once called home, she felt disconnected. While the extravagant decorations and the golden décor still were all in sight, she never noticed how much she did not fit in with this life. This palace was built for a Queen. Her Queen. She always thought of them as Zula and Cali. Not the Queen and her Captain. But that was how Zula felt, Cali thought to herself as she continued towards Zula’s quarters, hoping Zula would be there. She had made it to the stairs leading to the East Wing when she was finally stopped. Elfonzo, her First Lieutenant, also the man she assumed was

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