
William Bennett's Against Gay Marriage

Decent Essays

What is the reason for two people to get married: for fame, for fortune, for family, or for love? Why should only those who have been deemed acceptable by society be allowed to marry? Do we as people have the right to deny two people who love each other a holy matrimony because they are different? Marriage has many definitions, and what some people think will destroy the sanctity of the marriage we hold so dearly has actually been keeping it alive for centuries. William Bennett’s essay “Against Gay Marriage” promotes a conservative marriage ideal while Stephanie Coontz’ “The Radical Idea of Marrying for Love” promotes multiple ideas of what marriage can be. Both have very different views on fidelity, monogamous marriages, and same sex couples and their effect on marriage. However there is clearly no one correct way to be married. Firstly, is the notion of fidelity, and who seeks infidelity. The conservativeness of Bennett’s ideals of marriage are simple, completely faithful something he claims gay couples cannot commit to. A claim from Bennett is that, “[marriage’s] essential idea is fidelity”(272) and with “a homosexual marriage…[there is] a greater need for ‘extramarital outlets’”(272). He is not wrong that an essential factor in marriage is the fidelity of partners, but Bennett suggests only homosexual couples seek relationships outside of their marriages; however he seems to be uneducated or unaware of the fact that heterosexual couples do not always fit in nice little

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