
Essay about William Davenant, Son of Shakespeare?

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The Renaissance Era produced many great legends whose legacies left an impact on our society today. William Davenant was one of the important figures whose achievements helped to restore English literature. Those who are well versed in theater have long debated who William Davenant was and why he was important. William Davenant was rumored to be Shakespeare’s son, was crucial to the Restoration, and was a famous English poet and playwright who changed the scope of literature. Born in Oxford, England in February of 1606, William Davenant’s life was interesting from the moment of his birth. His mother was Jane Shepherd Davenant, but the identity of his true father was largely disputed (“Davenant, William” 73). Was his father John …show more content…

Both employers had influential friends who gave Davenant a preview into the world that comes from becoming a successful writer (“Davenant, William” 74). Davenant soon began getting involved in theater through the writing of plays, engaging in diplomacy, and joining the military, making him a true Renaissance Man. In 1624, Davenant married his first of three wives that included Mary Davenant, with whom he had two children, Dame Anne Cademan, who had four sons of her own, and Henrietta Marie du-Tremblay, with whom he had seven sons (“Davenant, William” 75). Meanwhile, Davenant became ill with syphilis, and the disease, combined with his treatment for it, ruined his nose, giving him a blemished appearance. He was often made fun of, which caused him great anger (“Davenant, William” 74). In 1628, he was convicted of murdering Thomas Warren of Braintree during a dispute over his nose. He ran away to Holland to avoid punishment, and his plan worked because King Charles I approved a petition that allowed his return (“Davenant, William” 74). He soon began performing plays and poetry for the King and his wife, Queen Henrietta, and was named Poet Laureate in 1638; During the same year, the murder charges against him were dropped. His support of the King and Queen failed him in the English Civil War. During this time royalists and those who supported Parliament clashed. Davenant

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